Why Having a Complex Personality Will Make You a More Interesting Person

Beauty in simplicity? Try magnificence in contradiction.

Adam Erland
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2020


Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

Both simple and complex things can be interesting in their own ways, for they have their own strengths and shortcomings. What do you think? Which one attracts you more? Personally, I prefer the latter.

In this writing, we will focus more on the idea of complexity, and explore why the most interesting things are always multifaceted — especially when these facets manifest themselves in a person.

Beneath the Layers

Not so recently, I’ve come to realize that most (if not all) things I found interesting have at least one common characteristic: They have more than one layer.

I’ve always had a knack for complexity. The reason being that complex things give us the opportunity to explore their hidden sides and learn something new about them every day — something that is almost always surprising and serendipitous.

That being said, we do need to recognize that there is some truth in the common saying “Beauty in simplicity.”

I mean, we can all agree on the appeal of minimalist design, for instance. Simplicity can give us a clear focal point and a feeling of ease, presenting a…



Adam Erland
Blue Insights

No longer writing on Medium. Read my essays for free on Substack: auslxnder.substack.com.