Dive Into: What Is Stoicism?

Linking Philosophy To The Body

Destiny S. Harris
Body Wisdom


Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

What This Article Will Give You:

  • The Definition of Stoicism — A Shallow Dive
  • How I Was Introduced To Stoicism — A Personal Story
  • How Often I Study Stoicism — Consistency Matters
  • How Stoicism Affected Me— 6 Takeaways
  • Linking Stoicism To Body Wisdom — Everything Comes Back to The Body

What Is Stoicism?

Definition 1: A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining — Oxford Dictionary

Definition 2: Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos). — Wikipedia

Both definitions 1 & 2 are essentially the same, but definition 2 wholly describes what stoicism means to me. I would add that Stoicism is questioning ourselves, our beliefs, our thoughts, our habits, our knowledge, and our way of life. Stoicism is not mainstream; it is not consumed widely. Stoicism moves in the opposite direction of where society is headed.

How Was I Introduced to…

