Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom
Published in
Jan 13, 2021


The role habits play in our lives is primal to every aspect of our well-being, yet we are mostly unaware of their existence. Whether it’s uneven shoulders caused by years of carrying more weight on the dominant side, or unconsciously tightening your neck every time you hear a notification on your phone, these habits have a way of manifesting into what is known as your posture.

Master Alexander Technique teacher, Beret Arcaya, joins our podcast to discuss habits from the lens of the Alexander Technique, a method used to reduce body pain and improve health through the recognition of harmful practices. We explore excerpts from FM Alexander’s book, “Constructive Conscious Control”, among many other engaging topics in the Body Wisdom episode, “Understanding the Role of Habits in Our Lives.”



Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom

I write and teach about the mind-body connection and its relationship to health and well-being. More at https://www.bodyandposture.com/