3 months after the beta

Simon Males
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2021

It’s been three months since the Bojagi open beta launch, and we are humbled that you joined us. Here is what’s new.

New Design

The original design of Bojagi was done out of convenience, piecing together UI components as we saw fit. And sometimes they didn’t fit at all!

The Bojagi redesign is paired with our new design system: Pablo (like Picasso not Escobar). It’s open source albeit lacking in documentation. But what we can share are the components directly on Bojagi!

Pablo is a bespoke design system tailored to be small and minimalistic.

Looking forward to your feedback about both the redesign and Pablo.

New annotation tool options

When watching designers interact with Bojagi the annotation tool consistently brought out a ‘wow’ sound from curious minds.

Proud to show the new series of drawing tools including line, arrowed line, circle and cropping. No longer are you limited by awkward free drawing without a stylus.

React95 uses Bojagi

We are excited to introduce our first open-source collaboration: The oh-so-nostalgic React95 project has integrated with Bojagi! Special thanks to Gabriel for getting us on board.

What is React95? It’s a library that re-creates the unforgettable Windows 95 UI elements as modern React components.

After a number of revisions of Bojagi CLI the React95 project integrated their Storybook stories with zero custom configuration.

Tip: Checkout the React95 Tooltip component, as the hover delay is so annoyingly accurate.

What’s still in the oven

In the near future we are looking forward to serving you with: Figma integration, component inspector and a free text annotation tool.

Open beta is still… open

Come on in, let’s improve your designer to developer feedback loop with Bojagi.

