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Book of the Future
Book of the Future
Views on tomorrow from applied futurist, Tom Cheesewright
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Top 5 News Stories 2014–11–21

Every day on our social media feeds (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus) we share a variety of stories about technology and the future. These were the five stories that proved most popular with likes, retweets, shares and comments this week.

Hendo Hoverboard Shows Tech Will Always Surprise

Much fun for the media this week as a start-up punted a prototype hoverboard onto Kickstarter. It’s not quite the tech as featured in Back to the Future, but it’s close enough to get excited about, and hence I found myself being interviewed…

Family Gathering Around the Telly? Not Likely

Couple of trips to the Beeb today to talk about the latest Ofcom annual review. It makes some slightly rose-tinted claims about a return to the family gathering around the telly like we apparently did back in the 1950s.