Is Love at First Sight Real? The Answer Is in My Life.

Joan Gershman
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes
5 min readApr 18, 2022



I’ll get right to the point. I believe in love at first sight. It’s real. It’s chemistry. Maybe even insanity, but it does exist.

Scientists and psychologists who study this agree with me. “…….sometimes the initial chemistry between two people who’ve just met can feel so strong that it leaves a lasting impression, according to licensed marriage therapist Weena Cullins, LCMFT .“Two people can feel a deep sense of knowing each other along with an unexplainable level of connection and attraction upon first meeting each other. It’s possible to sense that those feelings will remain regardless of what unfolds beyond their first encounter.”

I believe in it beyond doubt because it is the story of my life:

I was quite advanced for my age, having entered puberty at the absurd young age of 9. Out of necessity, my mother was forced into giving me the speediest, most simplistic explanation of the existence and cause of menstruation that a 9-year-old could comprehend. I entered puberty with all that comes with it — a developing body, inexplicable and baffling feelings of desire for boys, and confusing mood swings. To add to this hormonal upheaval was the incongruous enjoyment of still playing with my Barbie doll.



Joan Gershman
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

2 X TOP WRITER; Retired Educator; Speech/Language Therapist; English Teacher;;; writer; Vocal Writer