Grand ident motion design for small brands

Enzo Greco
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2020

Enzo’s Monday Motion #196: from freelancers to fortune 500 brands, an animated logo is useful for all. Six idents from an Indian broadcaster to a Colombian delivery startup.

Epic Stuff

Epic TV is an Indian television channel that focuses on Indian folklore and history. Their new ident promises high end work filled with drama.

Director Jesper Lindborg uses close-ups, slomo’s and dramatic music to make every ident feel epic. The colour palet perfectly matches their of the broadcaster. A nice concept and production by Weareseventeen.

Don’t patronise the pre-teens…

France 4′s weekly animation show Réanimation needed an update, so design collective Souviens Ten-Zan instantly picked up their digital pencils.

The pre-teens audience exactly received what they wanted: grown-up animations with harsh humor! Sound design by Skillbard.

UK Music Video Awards

Director Ivo Sousa and Stip at Mill deconstructed the award show’s logo and went all out with these five IDs.

The brief was loosely based around the existing sound-identity, which gave the team hardly any restrictions on the visual and conceptual side. The creative potential is shown with five totally unique ideas and executions.

Sneak Peek

You don’t have to be a Broadcasting Company to have your own ident! South American on-demand delivery startup ‘Rappi’ gives us a sneak peek inside their delivery box.

Their style isn’t just funny, they instantly communicate their extended market from food to packages and medication. Smart thinking by Serial Studio, produced by Buda.

Party time

German ad agency Lukas Lindemann Rosinski celebrates its 10th anniversary with a logo mash-up.

The curious creatives at Infected delivered a great job! With some nice audio design, it would be even better.

Sharing is caring

Where Uber has a more business feel, ride-sharing company Lyft takes the road of friendship.

Studio Toast translated the friendly, informal style of the brand into a soft design. But the smartest part is the logo build-up which is all about the power of sharing.

More Stuff

Enjoy this next set broadcasting-idents with magical mash-ups.

Last week

Let’s not fix this in post… Here are five videos where the magic happens on set!

Enzo Greco is Motion Director at Born05.



Enzo Greco
Editor for

concept.motion.direction — currently working as motion director at born05