Decloaking Boson Strategy

Boson Protocol
Published in
5 min readAug 23, 2021


Decentralizing commerce is a hard problem of global importance and gargantuan value. We have raised the funds, assembled the dream team and designed the solution. Now we engage hyper blitzscale mode. Join Us!

Our Vision for open commerce

The promise of a sharing economy has been broken by Web 2.0 commerce platforms. Instead of sharing, they extract excess value. They feign customer-centricity whilst hoarding data. Worse than that, they distort our markets, imperilling consumers, firms and even governments.

Boson Protocol exists to decentralize commerce in order to prevent the total capture of commerce, and its supply chain, by a few extractionary monopolies.

As we increasingly interact online, whether on social networks, e-commerce platforms or in the Metaverse, we urgently need to prevent this dystopian future where monopolies control commerce and value-farm us all.

As FAMGA (Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon) eyes the emerging metaverse, so grows the danger of the creation of a Ready Player One style digital prison, where humans are farmed for the value they create. More and more people are joining the movement for an open Metaverse economy.

Dig into the following links for a deeper understanding of why this is so important.

Mark in the Metaverse, The Verge — Facebooks CEO on why the social network is becoming ‘a metaverse company’

“In RP One: IOI, a single corporation, wants to own and control the OASIS’ servers and databases, where they could: delete people, access any information, change the rules of the world, and print themselves infinite currency” Jamie Burke, CEO & Founder Outlier Ventures

Into The Void: Where Crypto Meets The Metaverse. Piers Kicks.

Tim Sweeney: The open metaverse requires companies to have enlightened self-interest” Tim Sweeney, CEO Epic Games.

Boson Protocol represents core infrastructure for an open Metaverse economy, by making possible open commerce between the Metaverse and the universe.

We are enabling a world of decentralized commerce where people share in the value they create, creating thousands of millionaires instead of a few trillionaires.

What is the problem we are trying to solve?

The opportunities for decentralizing commerce are gargantuan, but the problem of connecting smart contracts to real world commerce is one of the hardest problems in Web3.

The data oracle problem is well known: smart contracts cannot trust real-world data. This problem is successfully addressed by projects such as Chainlink and API3. The real world asset oracle problem is another oracle problem: smart contracts cannot trust real world asset exchanges.

To provide a real-world example, if I tokenize my car and you buy the token, how can you be sure that you will receive the car (or your money back)? Creating an automated, trust-minimized solution to this problem requires significant resources: financial, human and intellectual.

Solving this challenge requires the greatest minds across three hard problem areas:

  • Protocol design: how to design a protocol to enable commerce without intermediaries?
  • Legal engineering:how to immunise the system against legal risk?
  • Game theory: how to design incentives compatible with our objectives?

Boson Protocol v1 — The DEX for Anything

Boson V1 is designed to be a DEX for anything. Enabling trust-minimized exchange of digital, physical or on-chain assets as tradable NFT commitment tokens.

Our huge research effort has made the v1 upgrade :

  • Much simpler — both through the game tree and easier user experience
  • Much more extensible — onchain, off-chain and physical
  • More efficient, with fewer onchain transactions.

Leptonite reference app

At EthCC we unveiled a reference application that developers can use to get to grips with how to use Boson Protocol v0 for dCommerce.

This app, Leptonite, was deployed on Ethereum’s Rinkeby testnet. You can check it out here

Go-to-market strategy

With the new protocol design complete, our focus has shifted to the execution of our go-to-market strategy in 3 phases:

1. Beachhead — Metaverse Commerce MVP. Enables brands to sell physical products in Decentraland.

2. Breakout — Metaverse Commerce Product. Enables brands to sell physical products in multiple Metaverses direct from existing e-commerce channels.

3. Mainstream — Decentralized Commerce Stack. Disrupt existing e-commerce platforms with decentralized commerce stack.

Boson Portal and our Metaverse Commerce Product

While the Protocol and its Core Exchange Mechanism provide the unique foundation for our set of products, we are also building out the commerce infrastructure for virtual worlds. Our Metaverse commerce MVP Portal enables brands to sell physical goods within a virtual lifestyle and commerce playground which connects the Metaverse with the universe.

The first Portal will open in Decentraland, where we completed a record-breaking prime real estate purchase in Vegas City.

Next, we are developing a Metaverse Commerce Product that enables brands to sell physical products in multiple Metaverses direct from existing e-commerce channels such as Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce. We have grants available for e-commerce devs to start integrating Boson into their applications!

This is just the beginning

To recap, we are solving one of the hardest Web3 problems, which is of global importance and gargantuan value. We have raised the funds, assembled the team and designed the solution.

Now we engage hyper blitzscale mode. Join us!

About Boson

At Boson Protocol, we are creating a decentralized commerce ecosystem that everyone can use and anyone can trust.

Boson Protocol is a decentralized infrastructure for enabling autonomous commercial exchanges of anyThing, specifically off-chain items. Boson is a peer-to-peer system which replicates the benefits of a market intermediary, without the disadvantages of centralized systems.

Keen to learn more?

Enjoy the dCommerce Stack outlining the services we’ll need to build a dCommerce ecosystem.

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Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol enables an open tokenized economy for commerce by automating digital to physical redemptions using NFTs encoded with game theory.