The new is here : Create, manage and publish your Facebook Chatbot.

Benjamin Merritt Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2017

[Edit Sept 2018 : itsAlive 2.0 is now available]
A tool for brands looking for a new way to engage with their Facebook audience.

An automated assistant directly embedded in your Facebook page that…

Engages your audience with a welcoming new conversation within your facebook page that reflects your brand accurately

Handles your Frequently Asked Questions automatically through keyword-triggered responses

Sends recurring updates or one time deals to users that asked for them. Enabling users to subscribe to your bot is the best way to stay in touch

Tells your story in an original way using the most natural interface everyone understands and uses: messaging!

Entertains your users through quizzes, contests or games that lead to secret content

The easiest way to create your Facebook Chatbot.

No coding skills required. Just click, drag & drop and add the content you’d like for your bot to automatically use as replies. We believe in recipes and they go like this : IF your users trigger… THEN your bot answers…

All the options your need to create your chatbot

Ex: IF your users says “Hello” (Group of keywords)
THEN the bot answers “Hey, what can I do for you today ?” (Text)

A friendly chatbot building interface that drives you from building to publishing.

Example of the keywords trigger. Many more options are available. screenshot

Manage, organise and optimise

Create as many recipes (conditions) you need for your chatbot and sort them into folders. See how many times your recipes have been used by your users, switch off the recipes you don’t need anymore and optimise the others.

Enabling users subscriptions: when attention meets engagement

One of the most important features is the ability for users to subscribe to your bot. You can create as many subscriptions as you want. This enables you to send one time or recurring messages every day, week or month, thus creating a real rendez-vous for your most active users.

Test, publish and track

You can test your chatbot right from when you’ve started your recipe, and throughout the entire building process. You have a button specifically dedicated to that purpose: test my bot. This will allow you to see how your chatbot works in Facebook Messenger, without linking the bot to your facebook account. Just a test.

As soon as you are ready, you can link your bot to your facebook page with a single Facebook connect button. And… ITS ALIVE !!

What we believe and where we are headed

#ChatbotsForAll : We believe everyone should try to understand

Chatbots can seem complicated but are the easiest medium to convey your message using a truly natural way everyone understands: messaging.

Each brand and individual has a story to tell and share. This is why we want to create the most intuitive interface that enables everyone to create a messaging brand experience without the struggle.

We believe in recipes. All the scenarios your chatbot needs

We want it to be as simple as cooking for chefs. Our chatbots are based on recipes. Once you’ll get the recipe, just choose your ingredients and start baking your bot!

Our chatbots aren’t smart, but they drive the conversation

Chatbots are new, people don’t know how to respond to them. Most users just don’t know what to ask your bot in the first place. This is why we believe in decision trees and buttons that drive users towards the answer they are looking for. The key to a successful chatbot is creativity and well orchestrated storytelling.

No AI. You are the smart one that stays in control.

Users are easily disappointed, don’t try to show off with AI, it’s not ready yet. We will add AI and NLP one day but for the time being we want to help you understand that your bot only says what you tell him to say! It might take a little more implication, but it’s totally worth it.

We believe in Facebook

Our chatbots are Facebook only. Chatbots are great to engage and keep in touch with your audience in many ways : promote services or products, tell stories, reply to FAQ, stay updated… We can’t think of another social network or instant messenger doing this better than Facebook does. This might be seen as a weakness but we see it is a strength. We stay focused on delivering the best chatbot building experience for the platform that matters to your audience : Facebook.

We ❤ agencies & partnerships

We deeply believe Facebook chatbots are the next medium that everyone should be able to benefit from. We are working closely with brands and agencies looking for a tailored solution to create, manage and publish facebook bots. Premium plans will arrive soon, contact us for more information.

I love feedback please comment and share.



Benjamin Merritt Blog