Bottos Blocks Explorer Explainer

Bottos AI
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

View the Bottos Block Explorer here:

Bottos has sent our Blockchain explorer live! Here it is possible to go through the transactions and the activities being carried out on the Bottos public chain.

A block explorer allows you to explore the entire blockchain of the platform you are using. Additionally, block explorers may also display unconfirmed transactions as well as orphan blocks, which are detached from the main Blockchain.

On the Bottos Blocks Explorer, it is possible to search for accounts, block height, block IDs and transaction IDs, making it a timesaver and facilitating transparency. Furthermore, it is possible to look at all the relevant statistics of the underlying Blockchain and the infrastructure. For example, it is possible to see the number of nodes deployed as well as the number of transactions made in the past days, account growth, the block height, and the details of each transaction.

Moreover, it is also possible to see where each node is located and their quantity.

All the nodes listed are still test nodes, they are testing the system and laying down the foundations for the full-fledged main net to be fully functional very soon, together with the masternodes and the new website. Stay tuned, we have a lot of updates coming!

View the Bottos Blocks Explorer now!

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