So I Made a Political Ad (#WakeUpAmerica)

🚨Depicts Images of assault towards law enforcement, vandalism, and foul language🚨

Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO
10 min readJun 21, 2024


To skip my explanation for my video idea and the contents of my video, scroll to the section titled “A Beautiful Day” (Short film).

provided by author

People who follow my account they would know how I have not been posting anything new here for a long time now (since February 10 to be precise), and that is for multiple reasons. For starters, I have been traveling quite a lot recently as I decided to move back to Europe where my mom lives (my parents got a divorce), then pretty soon after that went to visit my grandparents who also lived over there to spend a few weeks with them, then after that, spent a few more days visiting cities around where me and my mother live in Belgium with my cousin. So it has been hectic to say the least.

But I also started another project (. Three ongoing ones now. I know, me and my incomplete projects!), a video project this time, for which took me way, WAY too long to complete since I first began it before embarking on all my travels, and as such, every time I even tried to think about what needed to be done to finally get it over with, I got a sense of anxiety and had difficulty finding the motivation to finish it. And as my relatives like to call what I’ve got going on on this site a ‘blog,’ I’ll just go with that terminology in referring to this post as well.

Initial Concept

When I first started my video project, I decided I wanted to make a video that directly contrasted Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, two leading figureheads of the Republican Party who both serve as inspirations for the “best President ever,” according to many forum users on the Internet. (That part I need not go into greater detail. I already have in my series of blogs titled “The Endless, Insidious Lies of Right-Wing X” about this very topic of how the right loves to whitewash pretty much anything to fit their “conservative” narrative on the X platform.)

The idea of the video was to put dueling clips of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump side-by-side to make people question their convictions of Donald Trump based on what the other, supposedly very sacred person to the conservative movement had to warn for future citizens of our great nation in his final address to the nation, his Farewell Address, which was broadcasted on January 11th, 1989; 27 years before Trump was declared the winner of the race for the Presidency in 2016.

I decided at the very beginning of the video to show a portion of Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address through the screen of a 1980’s-type television set, which I found a clip of from Adobe Stock, then took a screenshot of, and then finally created a mask layer of said screenshot to make it look like the clip of him speaking would be coming from the screen of the television set. Regardless, the clip of Reagan opens up with a black screen and then Reagan appears, beginning by saying this:

Screenshot of my previous project that I abandoned.

“My fellow Americans, this is the 34th time I’ll speak to you from the Oval Office and the last. We’ve been together 8 years now, and soon it’ll be time for me to go. But before I do, I wanted to share some thoughts, some of which I’ve been saving for a long time.

It’s been the honor of my life to be your President. So many of you have written the past few weeks to say thanks, but I could say as much to you. Nancy and I are grateful for the opportunity you gave us to serve.”¹

I then decided to cut to another clip of a CNN report after Donald Trump had since won the Office of the Presidency, which discussed the fact that Trump claimed on Twitter that he actually won a majority of the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election but only if one “deduct[s] the millions of people who voted illegally”² in the presidential election. This of course, referred to what Trump likes to call the “illegals” who he alleged were counted towards Hillary Clinton’s popular vote total, and therefore he won the popular vote if those voters’ votes were not counted.

The difference in clips was meant to show a clear contrast between the two Presidents; one was gracious and humble for being given the chance to serve as the 40th president of the United States while the other pandered to conspiracy theories to help him explain away why he was unable to win the 2016 election in terms of the popular vote (and this was even before Trump had officially been inaugurated by the way!).

After this, I cut to another clip of when Donald Trump gave a speech in front of a crowd on November 3, 2020, before many states had even been called for one presidential hopeful or the other in the next election where he says, “This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election — frankly, we did win this election!

[Audience cheering.]

So our goal now is to ensure the integrity — for the good of this nation, this is a very big moment! — this is a major fraud on our nation!

We want the law to be used in a proper manner[…] We want all voting to stop! We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list, okay?

This clip was meant to reinforce the fact that Trump, by his own hubris, is not a very gracious person.

As Trump’s niece, named Mary L. Trump, documented in her book titled “Too Much and Never Enough,” Donald is a malignant narcissist who puts himself before anyone or anything else. It is simply in his nature to be an arrogant and selfish person, and is possibly the reason he never once admitted his defeat in the presidential election in 2020. However, more to the point, as Election Day 2020 was winding down to a close, and as Trump watched live on the news how the predicted “red mirage” was slowly turning red counties to undecided and even blue, it can be understood why he was so forthcoming in announcing how he wanted to declare victory for himself so soon; because he cannot comprehend the idea of being inferior to Joe Biden, especially after he accused Biden of simply hiding in his basement for a majority of the 2020 presidential cycle (yes, this is a real thing).

This is just one example of what I was trying to do in that project, but I worked on it in vain as, eventually, the software I was using to create my project kept giving me a pop-up telling me there was a problem with the project file’s audio. Essentially what had happened was that I changed a setting on the application I was using to record all those clips that I thought would facilitate the way I was able to import them into the video editing software, but this ultimately caused a problem with those clips’ audio to occur.

This left me with just two options: either I could stop working on the project altogether and all the hours I had just spent trying to figure out the best way to put everything together being for nothing, or I could start over with the clips that wouldn’t bug out my computer. So naturally I chose the latter option.

And it turned out way better than what I started out with in my opinion.

New Plan

By this point, some time had passed and the news stories being reported had changed with it. One such story that found some publicity was one in particular about how Trump claimed at one of his rallies that, if he didn’t become the winner of the 2024 election, “It’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country; that’ll be the least of it!”

This was an opening for a new project based on everything Trump had previously said about January 6, 2021, in which he claimed in a town hall event with CNN that the riot on that day “was a beautiful day” and for which the protestors, sent to the steps of the Capitol building by Trump himself, had “love in their heart[s].”² Of course, all of that was complete baloney, but he knew he had to downplay the violent threats and actions of the crowd as much as he possibly could. Or maybe it was a look into his twisted mind, a place where he admires the tactics of dictatorial and authoritarian regimes.

I then found a segment from Nicole Wallace’s show on MSNBC where she discussed how Trump posted recently (‘recently’ as of putting all the pieces of my project together. If you want to see the clip for yourselves, clip here.) on his Truth Social platform how he would “Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!” My project was beginning to come together. I added text to the project to give some narration as to what Donald Trump truly thinks about the idea of using political violence again if it suited him in the event he did lose the 2024 presidential election. As such, I wrote,

“Donald J. Trump is a narcissistic bully who condones political violence when it serves his own self-serving political ambitions.

Every day, he continues to use the specter of threats of violence to advance his campaign for the Presidency as an intimidation technique.

Additionally, Trump continues to spew the same inflammatory language that led many of his ardent supporters to stage an attempted coup on our nation’s sacred Capitol building.”

As I was putting my project together, the more clips I found that proved exactly that. One clip I found was of Donald Trump delivering a speech to CPAC, or the Conservative Political Action Conference, which holds a televised conference with noteworthy conservative figures each year. In his speech, Trump says,

“In 2016, I declared, ‘I am your voice;’ today, I add, ‘I am your warrior, I am your justice,’ and — for those who have been wronged or betrayed, ‘I am your retribution — I am your retribution!’”

This language, while not particularly noteworthy reading it on its own, is of significant interest when you put it side-by-side with many of the other things Trump has said like calling the individuals who are going to jail for actions they committed jumping through Capitol windows or roaming the halls of the Capitol building on that fateful day of January 6, 2021 “patriots” or “hostages.” These clips help illustrate the kind of audience Trump was pandering to in making these statements. He knows who the audience is that he is directly appealing to by saying this, and let’s just say it’s directly in opposition to “backing the blue.”

The implicit message being conveyed is that he will be their arbiter of “justice” from their perceived struggle being targeted for the fact they are or possibly have had to serve time behind bars for what they allegedly did on January 6th.

Another clip I found, (which I decided to sneak into the end of my video even after some time had passed since the last time I filmed anything for my project) is of Donald Trump at one of his many rallies where he (very loosely) calls the people running the Biden administration “lunatics” and says anyone who supports them “is more dangerous to me” than the potential danger posed by the leaders of Russia and China to America. Only people who admire the dictatorial strategies of those two individuals in particular would say something like that — even Joseph Stalin wasn’t this transparent about the fact he hated the concept of holding fair elections!

Also, I decided against posting this video on my X before making this post go public because I’m not entirely sure about the limits of graphic content on the platform. This is because in one of the clips I used for my video, there is a lot of noise that could be mistaken for the sound of people facing off in a skirmish not far from the steps of the Capitol where the footage being taken is clearly filmed at. However, this sound is simply coming from a guardrail whose legs are going down a pair of stairs. (It makes more sense if you actually watched the video. I even put up some text explaining the situation in the video.) If I’m not careful, a MAGA troll could flag my post with the video in it as violating the platform’s TOS and the moderators may side against me.

Underneath my video, I have also provided a QR code to be able to donate to my Cash App account for any and all donations, but please make them $75 or below. In addition, I made sure this post didn’t have a paywall on it for the greatest accessibility to viewing it. Any donations will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Other than that, please enjoy watching my video below.

(If the video won’t play for you for whatever reason, click here.)

“A Beautiful Day” (Short film)

I encourage anyone who’s reading this to share to allow more individuals to become better educated on this situation. © 2024 All rights reserved.

provided by author

Again, thank you for all your support!!

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Again, thank you for all your support!!



Bouncin’ and Behaving Blogs TOO

A freelance writer and occasional researcher who’s just trying to hone in my craft. | Spend way too much time on X: @NLennel