100 Random Thoughts — Just Another Medium Game


Jennifer Barrios Tettay
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


template from canva

When Jason shared his “100 Random Thoughts” he wrote: “to hell with the time limit rule”. Excellent idea!

Here come my 100 Random Thoughts — also without a time limit.

  1. It’s cold, and the air is definitely too dry.
  2. Maybe I should drink more water…
  3. Slowly it is getting dark.
  4. Drinking water helped!
  5. Soon I go for a walk with Brian through the village.
  6. I’m sure he likes the Christmas lights.
  7. Actually, I would like to go with him to the bistro and drink something warm.
  8. Then there would be cake, too.
  9. Better not, I have to take care of my shape.
  10. The video about Chinese Characters was adorable!
  11. There Janet Goh has motivated me to do something… well, Chinese — next to Finnish.
  12. Challenge accepted.
  13. I’m looking forward to it, though!
  14. Especially the writing.
  15. I should send Janet a letter sometime — a real one.
  16. Later I’ll go on the treadmill, then I’ll get warm.
  17. When is the landlord going to fix our apartment door?
  18. He doesn’t seem to care.
  19. At least I’m not paying extra for heating oil.
  20. Vacations are coming soon.
  21. It’ll be nice to have Brian home during the days.
  22. We should do more decorating.
  23. I have to wrap presents too.
  24. Brian is watching YouTube in his room…
  25. Only 25, this is taking longer than I thought.
  26. I need to call my niece!
  27. She drew me such a beautiful picture for my birthday!
  28. And she wrote such a sweet poem on top of it.
  29. I should write a story about this.
  30. It’s definitely too cold.
  31. Then what am I going to do in Finland? Have I thought this through?
  32. It’s tropically warm at my mother-in-law’s place now. At Natalie’s, too, I bet.
  33. Maybe I should call my mother-in-law.
  34. I’m hungry.
  35. That will pass.
  36. Water helps against hunger.
  37. It’s dark. Let’s see if Brian even feels like going outside.
  38. Okay, he feels like it.
  39. When I get back, I’ll have some tea.
  40. Orange or apple?
  41. The orange at lunch today was delicious.
  42. But why didn’t they have tangerines in the store?
  43. The bus is way too expensive.
  44. And this is how they want to fight climate change?
  45. I also have to play Zombie Lab.
  46. Yes, I “have to”.
  47. It was a stupid idea to promise a review of this game.
  48. It’s actually quite cutely done, but just not my thing.
  49. Can I make it to 50 before I go out with Brian?
  50. There are already 50!
  51. Should the 100 have been right after each other?
  52. Never mind, too late.
  53. As a mom, interruptions are bound to happen.
  54. We are home again, yay.
  55. The tea smells full of goodness.
  56. Brian is such a giggler!
  57. Grandma is teaching him in the video call: “Hasta la próxima, baby!”
  58. I think it’s cool that tags are now showing under Medium stories on PC, too.
  59. I think having “Medium” as a tag automatically disqualifies the story for further distribution.
  60. Also, stories under 3 minutes from me were never distributed.
  61. Do I get above 3 minutes on this one?
  62. Jason’s random thoughts made it to over 6 minutes!
  63. Okay, reading length won’t be the issue.
  64. I should add emojis later.
  65. After I’m through with this, I’m going to listen to Tai Le Grice’s morning music! ← Who cares that it’s evening here?
  66. Wow, The Witcher 3 got a next-gen update!
  67. I wonder if it means the graphics will be better than with mods?
  68. I kind of doubt it.
  69. There are other new features…
  70. Oh well, I don’t have time to do any gaming anyway.
  71. 6:30 pm again… where did all the time go?
  72. My husband is eating cereal, I want some too.
  73. But I’m not really hungry now.
  74. I bought us some really cute humidifiers.
  75. I should attach a picture of it when I’m done.
  76. Is this going to finish soon?
  77. The tea is empty, and it’s getting cold again.
  78. Best I make another one.
  79. There was no orange left, but apple is yummy too.
  80. Hubby is highly concentrated — some shooter.
  81. Why does this Roccat creature on my mouse light up so irregularly, anyway?
  82. My keyboard is also from Roccat.
  83. I remember how proud I was of it, while my husband was still gaming with a 10 Euro keyboard.
  84. He now has a Logitech — I bought it for him.
  85. My husband never buys anything for himself.
  86. Not for me either, which doesn’t really matter, since I get what I want myself.
  87. But it’s a shame, I’d like to be surprised once in a while.
  88. Okay, on special days he brings me chocolate.
  89. Woah — the apple tea smells fantastic!
  90. Even my husband noticed that it smells like apples in here.
  91. He himself never wants tea, only coffee — and has no idea what he’s missing.
  92. My mother-in-law appreciates our tea.
  93. For a moment, I considered having her fly in over Christmas Eve.
  94. Only, planning isn’t exactly my strong suit.
  95. The tea is still too hot.
  96. 5 more sentences!!!
  97. Today is December 15 — there’s a 5 in there too…. Coincidence?!
  98. Okay, I’m starting to talk weirdly.
  99. 99… this countdown reminds me of New Year’s Eve.
  100. I’m wondering right now if I’ve completely failed here.

💬 Do YOU also feel like screwing up? Then join me! 100 Random Thoughts. :)

photo by the author

