On a Rainy Day In July

Iyere Perpetual
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min read3 days ago

What’s your Monday morning like?

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Today is Monday and I don’t feel like doing anything. It’s so cold outside and I can’t switch off the fan because I am not the only one in the room. However, today is a good day to drink a lot of hot chocolates (what we call ‘Tea’ in my country) or probably Lipton tea or bags of green tea but I think I will stick with the hot chocolate.

To top it up, there’s power supply. Honestly, what you must know about my country or probably where I reside in my country is that, once it rains, the power supply is unavailable but today, I am basking in glory.

I should probably not tell you this but I haven't had my bath in two whole days because I'm so cold and I haven't stepped out of the house 😭. I promise you, I'm not usually like this but this weather is so cold and I have a cold. It's been raining cats and dogs since Friday. I don't think I can survive winter if I visit any of the foreign countries.

Honestly, the cold and catarrh wants to frustrate me.

Anyways, I am writing to you today to support Shawn’s Bookstore. Read a thought and leave your comments on her website or better yet, buy a book that resonates with you for your own satisfaction. There’s a lot of raw gems lying in the bookstore that can help an individual with practical tips. And what better day to give it a try than this Monday morning?

Visit Shawn's Bookstore today

I don't think I want to go out today even though the time is 9:04 am as at the time I'm writing this (Nigerian Time) but I have to go out and hustle for my daily bread (even if the daily bread doesn't like me) so I can eat.

That reminds me, being an adult is tough. Sometimes, I just want to scream in frustration. I didn't ask for this, but the journey ahead is long. But it's okay, I have to do what I have to do to survive. And first step is to take my bath!

Adulthood 😭😭😭 provided by author

I hope this week will be nice to you like it will be nice for me despite my adulthood predicament. I am wishing you a lovely day and a lovely week ahead. Also, engage in drabbles from Fiction Shorts if you love flash fiction and I promise you won't regret it.

Even if it's tough, I'm sending you virtual hugs and kisses 🎈🤗.



Iyere Perpetual
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Poet, Freelancer, Efficient Orator, Content Writer and Storyteller