Corporate psychopathy

Oh, You Got Shot at? How Sad… GET BACK TO WORK!!!

Workers are being treated like androids and are expected to bounce right back after traumatic events as if they never happened.

Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Fuckery


Smiling Black delivery man holding cardboard box
Black delivery man holding cardboard box Photo by Adobe stock photos

Events in review

Let’s set the scene real fast and re-cap.

On the day of the twenty-fourth of January, 7:00 pm D’Monterrio Gibson was delivering a package to a home in Brookhaven Mississippi while driving a clearly marked Hertz van when he noticed a white pickup truck coming towards him. The truck driver started blowing his horn, so D’Monterrio, thinking that the driver just wanted him out of the way, attempted to leave.

Things went pear-shaped when the truck driver swerved around him and attempted to cut him off. D’Monterrio’s instincts kicked in sensing a trap, swerved from behind the truck driver and passed him. He made it four houses down the block when another man standing in the middle of the road pointing a gun tried to get him to stop. D’Monterrio ducked behind the steering wheel and swerved around this man as he shot into the van.

Now, both men are in the truck chasing him down the freeway.

This was a father/son domestic terrorist duo, by the way.

So let’s fast forward a little bit. I don’t want to re-hash the shitshow that ended up being the attempt to file a police report with the incompetent Brookhaven police department. That’s a whole other story.

Delivery man pushing large box on dolly
Delivery man Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko On Pexels

After all the questions, the police reports, and what have you, FedEx, in their infinite un-wisdom decided to put D’Monterrio back on the same exact route…


Our expectations were low to start with but, goddamn!

After two days of reliving this hell on his route, D’Monterrio began having anxiety, insomnia, depression, and panic attacks. He went on unpaid leave on February 2nd.

To me, they have not taken this seriously. This man is on unpaid leave for something that happened on the job. Attorney Moore

FedEx has shown it’s true Colors

To make matters even worse, FedEx decided to dig even deeper by firing D’Monterrio in July for not accepting a part-time, non-courier job they had offered. D’Monterrio originally had asked for a position he could work on from home. They refused. So FedEx decided to fire him

So now, here we are.

I was offended and disappointed because they’ve done very little to help me since the beginning. Originally, they offered me two weeks off without pay then asked me not to speak to the news media. Once it started getting a lot of coverage that’s when it hey tried to step up and actually pay me in workers comp. I’m currently still in therapy and they only paid for 8 sessions. Everything has been coming out of pocket since then. D’Monterrio wrote to CNN

I mean…

I’m speechless. This man nearly died while doing his job and this is the gratitude you show him? This is the thanks he gets? And these corporations wonder why people don’t want to work for them or put in any extra effort.

They wonder why people are quitting.

They wonder why people are quiet quitting.

They wonder why people would rather work from home.

They don’t get paid enough to take a fucking bullet. This is madness!

I hope the Gibson family sues the hell out of this company. I really do.

The other workers who are watching this complete and utter shitshow need to take note. This is why you need unions. This is why you need strict labor laws. This is why you need representation.

To me, they have not taken this seriously. FedEx has shown it’s true colors. It has never cared about my client’s black life. How could any employer be so insensitive and tone deaf and fire a dedicated employee after he almost lost his life working for the company. Attorney Moore

Done differently

  1. Keep him employed.

The last thing workers need to be worried about is losing their jobs because they suffered a traumatic experience while at work and need to process it.

2. Offer to provide services.

Ask him what mental health services he needs to be able to process and cope. Provide therapy for however long he needs.

3. Show the other employees you care.

This man’s coworkers are watching these events unfold. Let them know they are equally valued and that you will do whatever is necessary to ensure their safety and what the plan to carry this out is.

Oh and here’s another idea, FedEx. Feel free to take it and run with it. You could always suspend services to this waste of white hillbilly backwater dump of a town until local authorities can guarantee they will do everything in their power to crack down on these peckerwood domestic terrorists and discourage further racist acts of domestic terrorism.

This has been another rant by Honeylu. Thank you for reading.

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Mississippi FedEx shooting case: D’Monterrio Gibson, who said 2 White men shot at him, has been fired, his attorney says | CNN

White father and son charged for chasing and shooting at Black FedEx driver | CNN



Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Fuckery

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.