Go to Box Clever
Box Clever
A community of fearless writers sharing stories of personal growth, to defy the status quo and break the mould. Grow yourself as a writer, here.
Note from the editor

A community of fearless writers sharing stories of personal growth, to defy the status quo and break the mould. Grow yourself as a writer, here.

Go to the profile of Frank Peterson
Frank Peterson
A plain-spoken Christian life writer, from London. Articles etched with a dash of satire - just to make sure you’re concentrating.
Go to the profile of Frank Peterson
Frank Peterson
A plain-spoken Christian life writer, from London. Articles etched with a dash of satire - just to make sure you’re concentrating.
Go to the profile of David Andrew Wiebe
David Andrew Wiebe
Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.
Go to the profile of Jagannil Banerjee
Jagannil Banerjee
Student | Working @ bettering my Content Writing | Infotainment | Politics| Opinions on Science | Fiction and more...
Go to the profile of Ilknur Eren
Ilknur Eren
Software Engineer @ Understood
Go to the profile of Christine Breese Spirituality
Christine Breese Spirituality
ChristineBreese.com— founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences at MetaphysicsUniversity.com, GaiaSagrada.com Retreat Center & FreeRetreats4all.com
Go to the profile of Effa Marriam
Effa Marriam
Freelance web writer | An avid reader | Microbiologist
Go to the profile of Allison Tran
Allison Tran
I run to eat and eat to run.
Go to the profile of Glory
The Creator’s Copycat, immortalising thoughts. I write personal essays on city adventures, growth and optimal living.
Go to the profile of gino george
gino george
Dad,Social Media Online expert,Healthy Eater,Travel Enthusiast After all the travel restrictions