Location Mode (beta) for Mobile is Now Available

🎉You can now use Location Mode on both BoxHero web and mobile app📱!

Junie Kim
3 min readAug 14, 2020


BoxHero Location Mode for Mobile App Opened!

You can now use Location Mode on your BoxHero app. Please update BoxHero from the AppStore or PlayStore and create a team in Location Mode. If you already have started Location Mode from the web, simply log in and continue managing your product and location!

(👉Check out the ‘Location Mode(beta) for Web’)

1. Starting ‘Location Mode’

Please create a team in Location Mode from the BoxHero mobile app.

2. Location Settings

Please add locations from the ‘Settings’.

‘Settings > Location Settings’

3. Register Product

From ‘Register new items’, please insert the product information and press ‘Next’.

Then, by pressing ‘+ Choose Location’, insert the quantity and the product’s location.

‘Register new items > Choose location, quantity > Save’

4. Done!

You can check the product status in its location.

Warehouse management is finally easy!

(Check out ‘Location Mode(Web) Announcement’ 👉here)


What happens if I try to make a payment during the beta?

  • Because the beta is provided for free, no payment transaction will be made even if you add a credit card information. However, if you add your payment information

How will the Pricing Plan be calculated after the official release?

  • Unlike the Basic or Multi Mode’s calculating method, Location Mode will be calculated by Products * Locations = Quotas. During the beta, you can use up to 5,000 quotas and after the official release, every 1,000 quotas will be charged $10. (Detailed pricing plan will soon be available.)

Please note:

  • Until the official release(~8/31), all users can use Location Mode beta for free.
  • During the beta, some of the features or display may be modified.
  • Up to 5,000 quotas are provided during the beta.
  • The official release is planned to be September 1st, 2020. However, this date may be changed due to the development schedule.

We always appreciate your feedback.

Please direct any inquiries or issues while using BoxHero Location Mode (Beta), from the channel below. Thank you.

