Making a Difference through Blockchain in 2019

BPF’s plans to partner with NGOs and strengthen the blockchain for social good ecosystem


Photo by Daniel Funes Fuentes on Unsplash

2018 Highlights from the BPF Team

2018 was a groundbreaking year for BPF. Our team grew from a small team of 3 to now 30 volunteers and counting. We learned about blockchain technology, had important discussions with key industry players and strengthened each of our teams with new talent. We continued our journey to not only connect with the blockchain and philanthropy communities, but also help educate our community on the great potentials of blockchain technology. Here are some highlights from 2018 as we look forward to another exciting year!

  1. We collaborated with La Trobe University students on a BPF Industry Project where we helped students design and create a cryptocurrency donation platform. We were proud to see the work they were able to achieve within a year and grateful for the opportunity to work with the next generation of technology leaders. Read our Medium post about the final presentation here.
  2. We held an all-day Blockchain for Social Good conference in partnership with RMIT University that provided a productive forum on using blockchain for social impact around the world. We brought together influential speakers from the RMIT Blockchain Hub, WWF, Save the Children, Batyr, Intersticia, Sempo, RSM and NEM. You can read more about the discussion here.
  3. We were recognised by the AMP Foundation who named our President, Chris Zhong as an AMP Tomorrow Maker. This is such an honour and we are excited to continue working with influential organisations within philanthropy to push our cause forward. Read our post on this grant here.

Plans for 2019

In 2019, we look forward to many more exciting initiatives to facilitate using blockchain for social good.

Cryptocurrency Donation Platform

We have been working on a cryptocurrency donation platform which will feature our NFP Alliance partners and allow users to make cryptocurrency donations to charities globally. Stay tuned for the launch of our platform!

NFP (Not-for-profit) Alliance Launch

We are dedicated to providing the best blockchain solutions to philanthropic organisations and believe this is best achieved by directly working with not-for-profit organisations. We will be announcing our NFP Alliance this year and how charities can join in to receive benefits such as blockchain education, introductions to blockchain companies and much more!

Research & Blockchain Education Course

Research and education are vital to the development of the blockchain industry as well as informing the use of technology for social impact causes. This is one of our three pillars and we are excited to unveil not only highly researched reports on the current blockchain ecosystem, but also a blockchain education course designed specifically for philanthropists. For a taste of the type of research we are doing, you can read our first Blockchain Applications article on charitable giving here.

Blockchain Events

A big part of BPF’s success has come from connecting key voices in the blockchain space with others in the technology or philanthropy industries. We will continue to expand upon creating important conversations to discuss relevant topics, ask pertinent questions and encourage our community to be proactive in creating change.

Brave Conversations: We are very excited and honoured to partner with Philanthropy Australia and Instersticia to create an event centered around initiating conversations on how philanthropic organisations can navigate the current technological landscape to achieve their goals.

#PAY Conference: We are looking forward to hosting a panel of esteemed voices in the technology and blockchain spaces at #PAY conference, which will be held in Las Vegas in August 2019. For more information about this conference, check out their website.

Continue Work with University Students

Last year, we did an industry project with La Trobe University students. This year, we look to expand our industry projects to include RMIT students and be able to involve even more students in learning about blockchain and becoming active participants of this growing industry.

As we look forward to creating more impact through these initiatives, we would like to thank our community and especially our volunteers for their unending support. As a volunteer organisation, we feel very fortunate to work with so many leaders from different fields and different parts of the world. Here’s to another year of working together, with our team as well as other organisations to deliver lasting change to our world.

Follow us here on Medium or connect with us on LinkedIn for the latest updates!

Written by Renee Yang, Marketing Manager at BPF

