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Discover what and where do people talk about you. Track and engage in online conversations in real time. BrandMentions works great for spying on your competitors, managing your brand reputation, media & brand monitoring, content marketing and much more.
Note from the editor

Discover what and where do people talk about you. Track and engage in online conversations in real time. BrandMentions works great for spying on your competitors, managing your brand reputation, media & brand monitoring, content marketing and much more.

Go to the profile of Cornelia Cozmiuc
Cornelia Cozmiuc
Proud Digital Marketer @cognitiveSEO & BrandMentions. Avid traveler, extreme sports enthusiast, and aspiring drummer.
Go to the profile of Andreea Sauciuc
Andreea Sauciuc
Enthusiastic Copywriter @cognitiveSEO and @BrandMentions with a love for creativity and writing. In search of inspiration, travel destinations, Friends memes.
Go to the profile of Andreea Sauciuc
Andreea Sauciuc
Enthusiastic Copywriter @cognitiveSEO and @BrandMentions with a love for creativity and writing. In search of inspiration, travel destinations, Friends memes.
Go to the profile of Cornelia Cozmiuc
Cornelia Cozmiuc
Proud Digital Marketer @cognitiveSEO & BrandMentions. Avid traveler, extreme sports enthusiast, and aspiring drummer.
Go to the profile of Eva Dima
Eva Dima
Cycling and Sia aficionado 🚴🏼‍♀️. Content Marketer @Grapefruit. Former SEO copywriter @cognitiveSEO & @BrandMentions.