HR Trends of 2018 & How to Adapt with Innovative Practices

Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018
Photo by Savs on Unsplash

Here at Bravuz HireMatch, making the recruitment process as seamless as possible has been our goal from day one, and we’re constantly researching the latest trends in HR, hiring processes and recruitment to locate the greatest pain points. Although there are a lot of flaws and friction with the current recruitment model, there is also a lot of new trends that are emerging that we must be aware of as we move into the future.

“For most enterprises people are the biggest asset, investment and cost. Moving the needle on any HR metric — attrition, engagement, satisfaction, performance, or skills has massive impact on the overall success of the organization,” says Holger Mueller, VP and Principal Analyst for Constellation Research.

From the collective research that we’ve done — analyzing statistics from websites like Constellation Research, HR Trends, and RisePeople — these are the top 5 HR trends that we found to be the most interesting and relevant.

1. Using Artificial Intelligence

For HR professionals, one of the biggest pain points is the vast amount of data that they have to sort through to find quality candidates. There’s an all-time

A recent article from Forbes says, “AI brings a lot to HR departments in terms of relieving them of the huge burden of sifting through terabytes of data that make up candidate’s resumes, social media accounts, reference letters and other sources. This procedure is among the most time-consuming tasks faced by HR professionals who are, more often than not, faced with the need to cut some corners in order to get their job done in time.”

2. Adapting to Mobile

Adapting to mobile is a crucial strategy, especially for hiring millennials. This “connected” generation relies on their mobiles for solving and calculating almost every area of their life so their careers is no different. Job hiring platforms and company websites need to be mobile friendly or the drop-out rate of their leads will certainly be high.

3. Company Branding

76% of HR leaders say employee onboarding practices are underutilized at their organization. (Kronos) Company branding is becoming increasingly important as more and more millennials are joining the work-force and are expecting exciting, well-branded companies that they are proud to work for.

4. Crowdsourcing

What we’re doing differently than traditional hiring-boards is taking the middleman out. Instead of using the 3rd party platforms to source for candidates, anyone with the right network and community can become an agent and source candidates through our platform.

5. Diversity

Using artificial intelligence in the HR Industry is going to be pivotal in aiding human flaws like biases. It’s been proven that having a diverse team creates more innovation and growth for companies so HR Leaders need to be especially aware of the diversification when they’re hiring. However, for the ones doing the hiring, there is inevitably culture, gender and physical biases — simply put, we like people who are similar to us.

Artificial Intelligence is going to be able to improve that because technology does not have a bias- simple as that. Read more about employee diversity in this post.

All in all, the HR Industry is in for a wild ride for the next several years ahead as technology is quickly adapting to our needs and supporting our human flaws. We’re thrilled to be leading the recruiting revolution using blockchain to create a decentralized network and create more employee diversity, faster and more transparent hiring processes, and an overall better way for companies and people to connect.

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Bravuz Hire
Bravuz Hire

Bravuz Hire is a decentralized candidate-verifying hiring platform.