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My Summer of Bruce
My Summer of Bruce
Springsteen and other musical obsessions.
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Roll Yer Tapes: Agora Night, 8/9/1978

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=526FDxMxojw]

I’d be a bad, bad fan if I didn’t at least acknowledge the 34th anniversary of the classic 1978 show at the Agora in Cleveland, OH.

Tonight In Jungleland

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAAv10Ss-II]

We knew it would happen.

Maybe we didn’t. I did. I knew Springsteen would at some point feel ready to return “Jungleland” to the set, to bring that song back to his stage. For fans, in…

Roll Yer Tapes: Stockholm Night, 7/3/1988

Listen to more Bruce Springsteen at Wolfgang’s Vault.

1988’s Tunnel of Love Express Tour found Springsteen in a state of transition.

David Brooks Has A Point (But Fuck Him Anyway)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOl4FcUTUDI?feature=oembed&w=459&h=344]

I’m down with the general hatred of David Brooks, being as he’s apparently some kind of Republican scumbag who finds it entertaining to extoll…

Half A Party In A One-Dog Town

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFDDmWmNYdA?feature=oembed&w=480&h=270]

Having attempted to court controversy among my fledgling readership by admitting that I love, LOVE “Queen of the Supermarket,” I’ll now prod the drowsy beast of…