Team Development Presentation @ UKOUG

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 9 October 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

On Tuesday, I went along to Oracle’s London City office to present for the Modeling and Development…

JNI and Cygwin

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 27 September 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

From time to time, I have to resort to writing native code to get highly Windows-specific things to work in Java. A good example is…

Windows Look and Feel Fidelity 0.3 Released

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 13 September 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine. The images from the original post have unfortunately been lost to time

1375 Is the Golden Build

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 5 September 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine. The images from the original post have unfortunately been lost to time…

JCP Gets All Transparent

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 6 September 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

A while back I grumbled a bit about the generally archaic nature of getting involved in the Java Community Process…

Eclipse, JSR-198, SWT and Swing

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 3 September 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

JavaGeek mentions that Sun might be joining the Eclipse board (from the related Yahoo News Article)

Even JDeveloper Groks PHP

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 30 August 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine. The images from the original post have unfortunately been lost to time…

16 August 2003

This is an ancient blog post originally published by Brian Duff on 16 August 2003 on Radio Weblogs, and rescued from the Wayback Machine.

My first ever “Off Topic” blog :) I noticed this site which has some pictures of a Radiohead gig in Nimes, France myself and one of my…