Go to Bricks n’ Brackets
Bricks n’ Brackets
Everything about coding, software development, toy bricks and technology, both old and new, under one nerdy roof.
Note from the editor

Everything about coding, software development, toy bricks and technology, both old and new, under one nerdy roof. Want to know why I started this publication? Excellent! Here's the story of how it all started... Not officially looking for new writers, but if you ask nicely, I might add you as an occasional guest writer. 😉

Go to the profile of Attila Vágó
Attila Vágó
Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️
Go to the profile of Andrew Gribben
Andrew Gribben
Accessibility consultant, educator and developer. Basically I make sure the pipes of the internet are unclogged and polished, so that everyone can use them.
Go to the profile of Sarah-Marie
Author & Writer | Querying my YA Fantasy novel |Top Writer in Space | A little bit of everything: Science, personal development, fiction, hobbies, and art
Go to the profile of Chris Hornberger
Chris Hornberger
Just a guy, standing in front of some code, holding a hammer and holy water with that look on his face.