
Amazing Powers of Your Mind

How to Use the powers of your Superconscious Mind.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


Our minds are only instruments of receiving, processing, and sending vibrations, as everything is vibration.

In this article, we are going to explore the power of mental focus and concentration. We are going to dive into how we can tap into the powers of the subconscious mind and use them to improve ourselves.

I am going to unveil to you the secret of mental-tuning-in, this technique has been used for centuries by many for many purposes.

As a matter of fact, this mental technique is the secret of the law of attraction because the secret in the law of attraction is not just about your thoughts, because have you ever asked yourself, if innocent todlers attract diseases to themselves?

This mental technique has more uses than most other spiritual disciplines, I am not going to discuss in detail how it is applied but will explain briefly.

Mental-Tunning-In has been used by energy healers, religious leaders, energy workers, shamans, and alchemists, and so on, it is a method used for things such as:

  • Acquiring specific information telepathically,
  • Internal alchemy and transformation,
  • Healing another person.
  • Sending messages telepathically,
  • Manifestation
  • And so on.

What is Mental-Tunning-In?

Mental-Tuning-In is the technique of focusing, allocating, or raising your awareness to a specific subject, item, event, and so on, for an extended amount of time.

Unlike channeling, mental-tuning-in is being specific to the type of information or energy you want to receive, transmit or transmute.

While remote viewing is strictly based on acquiring information for a specific subject, in mental-tuning-in the physical manifestation could also be involved where the shift and changes of energies might occur.

Affirmation, chanting, and mantras are tools and techniques to assist mental-tuning-in. Because they employ the same spiritual techniques to arrive at a certain goal.

In most cases, Mental-Tuning-In requires willpower where a person could hold a specific attitude or thought in their mind to tune their vibration to that state.

Photo by Magic Bowls on Unsplash

Mechanics of your Superconscious mind

A human mind is an intricate and complicated gift, we are only beginning to scratch the surface of our mental abilities. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that processes biological functions on a subtle level, like breathing, heartbeats, and so on.

Therefore I am unwilling to use the term subconscious mind because this power is beyond the subconscious levels of mind, it supersedes the biological mechanism to penetrate the mass consciousness tapping directly to the Universe. I believe Super-conscious Mind is the right term for it.

If you want to understand these untaped powers of your superconscious mind I suggest you begin by learning how to use a pendulum. A simple device with powerful implications.

When you use a pendulum you will realize that you are connected to the entire Universe, and that almost anything in the universe has a certain vibrational signature where we can tap into, and that our brains are only vibrational devices that can tune in those vibrations and frequencies.

When you think of something you are tuning in the frequencies of that object, where this is the fundamental principle and mechanism of the Mental-Tuning-In technique.

How to use the power of your mind through Mental-Tuning-In Technique.

The keys to successfully us your subconscious mind through this mental-tune-in technique are openness, focus, and concentration, where,

  • Openness refers to the ability to let put what you know aside so that new energies can flow in, this requires a certain level of mental discipline, where those who meditate regularly will find it easy to do.
  • Focus is when you hold that attitude or idea in your mind for an extended amount of time, and when other thoughts, emotions flow in your mind, you put them aside to retain your attitude.
  • Concentration is maintaining the purity of that idea without changing.

Because of the nature of this art, I will not disclose the metaphysical or the occult stuff, so if you want to tune in, here is what you can do on your own to see what will come out of it.

  1. Find a comfortable place, where you won’t be disturbed in a certain amount of time.
  2. Choose a specific topic or any changes you want in your life, here we will use an example of “I want to lose weight”.
  3. Pay attention to the idea of losing weight and the feelings of that idea, because the power is in the attitude, feelings, and the idea, but not the words.
  4. The power is in the present moment, while the source of power is the authority and personalized. This means you must have a strong conviction on what you are tuning in, it must be personal that you are the addressed person and it must be at this moment.
    - Instead of saying I may lose weight, you authoritative statement, I lost weight,
    - Instead of saying, “I will lose weight” you use the present tense “I Lost Weight” which means you are already in that situation
    - And finally, you are the source, then you address it in the first person, I lost weight not “You lost weight”
  5. Hold that idea, by stating the same phrase over and over (I LOST LOTS OF WEIGHT), the principle is that; the shorter the phrase the better, and that you use the word or the phrase to maintain that idea and attitude, as there is no power in the words but that attitude and feeling towards that idea.
  6. Repeat the same procedure for a week, you will be surprised.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.