Which is the best direction we should keep our head while sleeping?

What Did I Learn After Switching to Different Head Directions During Sleep

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights
5 min readNov 11, 2021


Maybe this is the first time you are hearing about this art of facing your head in the proper direction for better sleep. But I learned about this from the Vedic version of Feng Shui called Vastu Shastra.

What is Vastu Shastra?

“Vastu Shastra” is a science of architecture and design that deals with the placement of buildings, their shapes, the surrounding terrain, the orientation of buildings in relation to each other, and other factors.

The basics for Vastu Shastra are the five elements of nature — Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Space.

A combination of each element of the five is what produces vata, kapha, and pitta, or the three doshas. Physiological, psychological, and emotional health are believed to be determined by these doshas.

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are composed of the five elements and represent our physical processes, personalities, and emotional traits. Ether and air combine to form Vata, which represents movement. Pitta represents the energy principle by combining the elements of fire and water.

The main principles in Vastu Shastra are “Doshas” — Doshas are harmful effects arising from improper relationships between the above 3 factors.

Earth’s Magnetic Alignment.

Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash

We use a compass to find know the direction of where we are going, this is because of the presence of Earth’s magnetic field, that the direction of this magnetic field points North. Other animals and fish can sense the earth’s magnetic field and can use them to navigate around the ocean.

I am always puzzled how humans are the pioneer of discovering out a lot of interesting things about other animals and matter, but we lack the motivation to learn much about ourselves. Now science cannot deny that our bodies are affected by a magnetic field. In addition to that, there is magnetic therapy that uses magnetic fields to treat people.

The human body also has a magnetic field that the entire body acts as a magnet. The head is north or positive and the soles of the feet act as south. So, the human magnetic field flows from the bottom/ feet to the head.

We also understand that magnets affect iron and that the human body has iron. This means that to a certain degree if the alignment between the earth’s magnetic field and body magnetic field doesn’t align properly, this will affect the entire biological system.

What I learned after experimenting with different head directions during sleep.

The key to the discovery of new things is awareness, the ability to be aware of what is happening right now is more important than knowledge because you can always learn something new.

After learning about Vastu Shastra, I didn’t really experience much because I read that Sleeping with your head facing East was the best position. So, I suck it up and align my bed facing East. At that time I didn’t really learn much because I could never tell the difference.

Later, when I moved to another place, I had already forgotten about Vastu Shastra. But, I automatically had my bed facing East. Then I started to notice, my dreams were so clear and vivid, and most importantly they were pleasant dreams. I thought it was just my meditation and luck.

Then, later when I started to have naps during the day, I noticed that most of the time, I would even go to different dimensions and places that I can’t explain. I would always have these dreams inside other dreams.

Which direction should we keep our head while sleeping?

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

So far, my experiences have been based on the direction of the sun, which means where the sun rises and sets. So, after having these different experiences during sleep. I did an experiment to switch different head directions to see what I will experience.

  • I started to notice that during the night time whenever I sleep with my head facing West, (Where the sun sets) — I would always have nightmares.
  • During night time whenever I sleep with my head facing East (Where the sun rises), I would have the most vivid and wonderful dreams ever, and sometimes I get glimpses of the future and meet different beings. And I become in touch with my inner self more.
  • At night whenever I sleep with my head facing North, I start to become a practical person, which means the spiritual senses kind of begin to decline.
  • At night when I sleep with my head facing South, a lot of grudges and revenge begin to rise, and a sense of moral compass declines.

The interesting find is that the effect is not the same during daytime or nighttime. Which brought me to the conclusion that there is a movement of dimensions, and that these magnetic alignments switch between these dimensions. That at certain hours it is best to face your head in different positions. After doing a channeling session, I also found out this was the case Because;

  • If I sleep during the day with my head facing East (where the sound rises), I become drowsy with lots of headaches after I wake up. Which is the opposite effect during the daytime.
  • Then if just before noon, if I take a nap with my head facing West(Where sunsets), I wake up inside a dream to find myself in parallel realities, then I wake up from the first dream to wake up again in the actual reality.
  • Then during the day if I lay my head facing North, I get nightmares, which is the same with West.


After these experiences, I can say for sure, our bio-magnetic fields are what connects us to other realms, and that the alignments of planets and the earth’s magnetic fields are what can determine our well-being. Being in harmony with these alignments I believe is crucial for not only mental health but also spiritual growth. And that Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra are good tools to align positive energies to flow through us.

I can also conclude that these four directions are the five elements, the fifth one being in the center. For example, where the sun rises (East) is an element of fire, then North is element metal, West is earth, South is water and the middle one is space.

Don’t just take my words for it, go and experiment on it and see what I mean. I also think these experiences depend on the sensitivity level of the person.

Below is an interesting article about Vastu Shastra.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.