Five Elements

What Are Five Elements & Its Principles

Five elements the language of the Universe

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights


Five elements — Air, Water, Space, Fire & Earth — Image by Muangakili.

I want to give you a short story about these fundamental building blocks of the Universe.

You see I like to travel, I enjoy traveling with my natural inborn ability to visualize, to imagine, and let the superconscious do its work.

So one day as usual with my friend we were lounging in a Tea shop, then I asked him you know the language we use is so primitive, I want to speak the kind of language where even the actual symbols behind words could be understood easily.

For example, if someone has never seen a Television before, the words television would be foreign, it could take a while for you to explain to them the concept of images sent to a box that translates them to display them.

So I told him, If he gave me a week, I will come up with the type of language that would solve that problem. Then the same day I went home started to think about how this language could be. It didn’t even take a minute, I realized that the way we navigate this reality is within our five senses.

Five Senses as The Five Elements

Five sense — image by Muangakili

We have five senses which are:

  1. The sense of sight
  2. Hearing,
  3. Smell
  4. Taste
  5. And a sense of Touch respectively.

So how do these play in the role of five elements? I am glad you asked, I wrote on how our consciousness perceives this physical reality, that everything we experience, no matter how complicated it might be, has to be within these five elements. Think about it for a minute, how else would you experience the physical world? if I say Toyota pickup, how do you interpret this symbol? you would do either of the following to interpret that word.

  • You would recreate a visual image of a Toyota truck which you use your sense of sight,
  • You would remember going on a road trip where the road was bumpy, so then you have used your sense of touch to interpret the meaning.
  • You would remember the smell of new leather seats inside the truck which is the sense of smell.
  • You would remember the sound of the engine that caught your attention when you saw a Toyota pickup.
  • Probably you won't remember the taste of a Toyota but remember what you ate inside a Toyota.

Get the point? that behind all words and symbols what remains is the experience, the pure experience we had that we navigate through this record of experiences to create a presentation so that we can convey meaning to someone else. I have investigated and realized most of the animal names are the derivatives of the type of sound they make, think of the word Chicken, and go to a chicken farm, you will hear them making a sound that sounds like a chicken.

So then it doesn’t matter what you want to explain, they are all within these five elements, hence the universal alphabet, this is an entirely different topic that we will touch on next time.

The Actual Five elements.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

These five elements are not our five senses but what our five senses receive as vibrations, I wrote another article explaining how every sense interprets vibrations. That is to say that each sense interprets a certain vibration that you pick up as either sight, smell, sound, taste, or touch. Note that it is not the words or names but what these words represent.

A sense of sight only deals with light and without light, there is no sight.

The sense of hearing only deals with sounds, without vibrations there isn’t sound.

The sense of smell requires space for air to flow so that you can smell, and that smell is only how these substances react with air.

The sense of taste depends on the difference in material, you cannot taste your own tongue, so what you are tasting is the substance in the material, your tongue interprets from the range of a good to bad taste depending on how your body will react to that substance.

The sense of touch depends on the density or mass of an external substance relative to your body density, you sense temperature as the degree of separation of the number of molecules on air, the bigger the gap of separation the hotter the atmosphere. Basically what you are sensing is mass.

So here is how these five elements are derived.

  • Sight => Light.
  • Sound => Movement.
  • Smell => Space.
  • Taste => Substance.
  • Touch => Mass.

Comparison Between of Elements Across Cultures.

I know you might be wondering, what about the ancients? what about The ether, fiver wood, and the likes? Here is the deal, these ancient people did take the same path I took to arrive at the same conclusion, that it is not the word that matters but the meaning behind that word, But I took the liberty to compare these elements.

Five elements on different cultures and their comparison — Image By Muang’Akili.

The alignment and movements of five elements.

These five elements are simply vibrations at different frequencies, which means a light vibrates on a different frequency compared to sound, and smell vibrates on even a slower frequency than that of sound, and eventually mass, which is material. But overall these five elements are only the same vibrations just represented at different frequencies.

The movement of the frequencies will begin on any point moving around in the exchange of energy, for example, if I make a sound, this sound will vibrate the air to be interpreted as sound, then this sound will seem to disappear, except it has not really disappeared, but moved from one element to another, it is how nature works, that energy is only transformed from one state to another but never destroyed.

So this sound will vibrate air, the air molecules will carry that sound vibration energy to convert it into movement, this movement will disturb the existing pattern to convert that movement into another pattern, then this pattern will then become mass. and there the cycle will continue passing from one phase to another going from high vibrations to lower vibrations.

Advanced Application of the Five elements

These five elements are different energy levels, and they are natural, and align themselves accordingly, so when you look closer you realize that there is a pattern that represents itself everywhere. From the five senses, you find out they are attached to five major biological systems in the body.

  • The nervous system, = Element Light.
  • The muscle & bones system = Element Movement/vibrations.
  • Respiratory system = Element Space/Air.
  • Digestive system and = Element substance /Earth.
  • Reproductive & excretory systems = Element mass/ metal.

Though this is an advanced topic by understanding this, we can learn how to maintain the balance, where whenever their imbalance one would know what to do to balance the movements of these elements.

Layers of five elements.

At first, I was determined to close the case by quantifying these elements, I wanted to find the foundation of it all, but then I realized these five elements are only a representation of a certain principle. That this pattern repeats over and over. It is not something that can be restricted on one level.

The key is to recognize the property, pattern, or the energy behind it, I will try to explain it in my own words but you might have to also contemplate to realize what is being presented here, Here is what your senses are determining and that these properties represent themselves on every level.

  • Sight — appearance, forms, shape visibility.
  • Hearing — movement, vibrations, dynamics, flow.
  • Smell — space, whole, complete, system.
  • Taste — substance, compound, preserve, maintain.
  • Touch — mass, density, strength, concentration.


The topic of the five elements is vast, for example, the scientist have documented earth elements on a periodic table, but when you look at the five elements, these chemical elements are only on the earth elements, where they have not to explore the other four elements, where does electromagnetic lies on the elements of the periodic table, what about vibrations?

So you see the ancients saw the entire Universe in its entirety. The five elements are not something you can understand by simply reading a book about it, but it is something that you begin to explore and see the connection.

Here I have not even begun to scratch the surface, there are five sounds related to these elements,



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Broader Insights

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.