Do you accept yourself for who you are?

Embracing Your Demons

The Power of Self-Acceptance

Anirudh Rao
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2024


Photo by Vitaliy Shevchenko on Unsplash

In life, we often find ourselves grappling with our inner demons — those deep-seated insecurities, fears, and flaws that seem to hold us back. Conventional self-help teaches us to fight against these demons, to suppress or overcome them in pursuit of success. However, there is another approach. This approach involves embracing these demons, acknowledging their presence, and harnessing their power for personal growth and resilience.

The Nature of Demons

What are our inner demons? Our inner demons are nothing but the manifestation of our emotional wounds, past traumas, societal pressures, or deeply ingrained beliefs about ourselves. They lurk in the shadows of our psyche, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Ignoring or repressing these demons is counter-productive, and will only lead to a cycle of inner turmoil and self-sabotage. I’ve learned this the hard way, and you can read my other article “How I cope with life” to learn my personal experience with this.

The “Traditional” Path

Traditionally, we are taught to to view our demons as adversaries to be eradicated. However, this idea stems from the belief that happiness and fulfillment can only be achieved by overcoming our flaws and weaknesses. However, this path of “eradication” often leads to us waging an endless battle against ourselves.

Now, there is another method that’s much better and actually works.

The Power of Acceptance

It takes courage to own your demons. You must be willing to confront and accept the darker aspects of your personality. Instead of viewing your flaws/imperfections as weaknesses, you must instead recognize them as integral parts of who you are. Now, acceptance doesn’t mean giving up, nor does it mean to be complacent. No, it’s a simple act of self-love and compassion (towards yourself).

By embracing your demons, you disarm the power they have over you.

The Paradox of Self-Acceptance

It’s a paradox, really. The only way to experience true growth, to move forward, is to embrace your demons. You can bask in the light of success only after you’ve shined a light on your darkest reaches of your soul. When you choose to do self-acceptance, your flaws become sources of motivation. And through learning to accept our demons, we will be able to feel the entire spectrum of the human experience, making not only ourselves happier and more fulfilled, but also allows us to feel more empathy for other people going through problems of their own. And this can only benefit us, not hurt us.

Photo by Andreea Popa on Unsplash

To leave you here, in a world that often prizes perfection, the path of owning our demons seems insane. Heretical, even. But it is by far the path that leads to more resilience and empowerment. By embracing our flaws/imperfections, we tap into a reservoir of inner strength.

As you embark on your own lives, and walk your own journeys of self-discovery, always remember this truth: your demons are not your enemies but your allies — and by accepting them as an integral part of you and using them for motivation, you will gain the success and fulfillment you are seeking for, and deserve.

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