So, you’ve had a weird, surprising, or inspired celebrity encounter? Who hasn’t?

We invite you to share your story in a new Collection, “Brushes With Fame.” Curated by the editors of SMITH Magazine, we’re also the people behind Six-Word Memoirs , The Moment: Wild, Poignant, Life-Changing Stories from 125 Writers and Artists Famous & Obscure, and more. Our projects have one common goal: sharing true, passionate, personal stories.

What’s a Brush With Fame? It’s the unexpected, perhaps odd, and ideally meaningful celebrity encounter you had that you can’t wait to tell a friend about. If your story is included in the Collection, you will automatically be on the short list for a future book that we’ll probably call, Brushes With Fame: Stories of Unexpected Celebrity Encounters.

Step One: Create your account at by logging in with your Twitter or Facebook credentials:

Step Two: All potential contributors must be added as “Writers” in advance of submitting to Brushes With Fame. You can request to be added by contacting us at: (or leave a note at the bottom of this post). At that time it’s a good idea to send us a few words about what you have in mind.

Step Three: When you’ve been added as a Writer, you’ll be notified you by email. Draft your Brushes With Fame story on Medium under your name. When you’re done, simply click the “send draft” button on the top right of your page and we’ll see it. If your story is a good fit for Brushes With Fame we’ll let you know within ten days. Poof! It’s that simple.

What we’re looking for: Stories of unusual, inspirational, unexpected, or in some way meaningful encounters with celebrities. The best Brushes With Fame are unexpected, occurring in unremarkable places rather then, say, on the red carpet at a movie premier. Stories should be 600 words or less.

What we’re not: “Gotcha” celeb stories, rants, rages against the TMZ machine, or quick hits such as “I saw Julia Roberts walking down the street” (which I once did, and it was an epic moment for me personally, but not a story that begs to be shared in further detail) or “I said hello to Lebron James in an elevator.” Personal accounts only, no third-party stories, fan-fic or other versions of fiction, please.

We won’t accept every submission into the Brushes With Fame Collection, but will work with you if we think you’re on the right track, and encourage you to try again with a new story down the road.


Larry Smith, editor, SMITH Magazine



SMITH Magazine
Brushes With Fame

A storytelling community obsessed with personal narrative and home of the Six-Word Memoir project and bestselling book series,