Case Study: How SMS Notifications Make Parties

Irene Rufferty
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2017

Each branch on the entertainment market is always oriented at actions of a specific audience. It’s also one of the markets that is extremely changeable and highly competitive. Today, one entertainment institution may be in vanguard, tomorrow — it’s out-of-date. The program of work often changes.

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Besides, it is difficult to work with loyalty. This is especially true for large clubs or concert venues. Otherwise, without loyalty programs, it will be very difficult to find any new audience. It often happens that it’s easier for the marketers to keep the old clientèle rather than gain some new customers. However, in this case we are talking about private clubs and thematic establishments. It is much more profitable for them to work with the customer loyalty than with advertising, indeed. Thus, depending on the peculiarities of this or that establishment, there may be several instruments of working with the target audience in entertainment, and SMS is still one of the most powerful marketing tools. This is the case.


Entertaining establishments influence emotions and feelings of the customers rather than their minds, while delivering advertising messages. It is hard to talk about the competition, prices and pragmatic calculation, since the area of entertainment and pleasures is extremely changeable and is often affected.

That is why, usually, the entertainment market chooses to advertise over the radio, by means of outdoor and media advertising to cover much of their segment. Advertising on television is used much less often, as soon as it becomes too necessary. Filming an ad has always been extremely costly, so advertising on TV is not beneficial for use. The most preferred printed method is distribution of information about events in clubs, concert halls and medium-level bars via the fliers.

The cost of flier production is quite low, and their application is quite effective, if the flier is developed with the high quality and creative enough to catch the eye, of course. That is why the majority of clubs that still need promotion prefer this method. Nevertheless, the leading method nowadays for both popular and beginning entertainment spots remains SMS. The information distributed via SMS messaging campaigns brings more results than any of the above mentioned means altogether. Be sure this method is also very efficient and cost-effective for your budget.


If mailings with information about the entertainment establishments reach clients in terms of mobile advertising, then the issue of collecting the database does not arise. In this case, the operator of mobile communication is responsible for subscriber’s consent. In order to get consent for SMS-mailing, there are several ways. The optimal variant of obtaining consent for concert venues that have an online reservation service is the collection of necessary information through the web site. Restaurants, clubs, bars have the opportunity to collect the base by putting questionnaires in a folder with an account or when issuing discount cards, etc.

Another common method is the distribution of questionnaires during contests with prizes. Also, consent can be obtained through messages on a short number, a stimulus for which can easily be a bonus in the form of a free drink or a treat, etc. The client base of entertainment establishments, as a rule, can be formed in a very comfortable environment, which allows you to simultaneously solve many marketing problems alongside.


By law, subscribers should agree to receive SMS-mailings with information, and they need to confirm it. This consent must be identified and approved by any personal data, such as full name, date of birth, e-mail address, mobile phone number and so on. The consent must be put in writing, in questionnaires, which must be stored electronically or in a paper form. Anyway, it should be somehow fixed and stored.

If the confirmation has been received via SMS, then these messages should be kept by the provider, which must be agreed upon in advance. The database created upon the old law norms, should be refreshed and legalized, possibly with the help of special services called Database Updating, or other similar to what BSG SMS Service offers to the clients, depending on how your business works.


Service of bulk transactional SMS notifications about ongoing events is very relevant for all the establishments that have a booking system of any type, including an online form. Institutions, where bonus or card systems operate, can send information about the time of work, gratitude for visiting, congratulations on holidays and many other things via SMS. For the concert venues with a frequently updated working programs, it is possible to provide the information about the schedule of events held, price change and so on. Most of this information is obtained by customers who have subscribed to a particular category of events, which makes it even easier.


Apart from service messing, there are messages of a purely advertising or promotional nature, that contain the information that is meant to rather offer something or gather some extra, purely marketing, data for a better work of marketing and sales departments, etc. These messages contain notifications about performances of artists, thematic events, organization of festive evenings, etc. Massive messaging with the help of instant messengers allow you to select the target audience that will be interested in receiving this information, according to the age, sex and other characteristics. This will increase the reach in several times. With the help of instant messengers, you can combine the multimedia features with SMS messaging. Such messages can contain videos, photos and same good old fliers that, in this case, can easily be unprinted. And all tomorrows parties will be yours with an effective SMS messaging.

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