Why Slack is A True Win for Your Business?

Irene Rufferty
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2017

It’s been over a year since Slack was first introduced at Fileboard, and basically became a billion dollar company for corporate users. No wonder, Slack was designed as a corporate instant messenger — flexible and rapid means of communication for employees of all levels — from startups to multinational corporations.

Considering it’s a SaaS startup, today Slack daily traffic is about 2.3 million users, and estimated $2.8 billion. In addition, it is one of the fast growing companies in Silicon Valley. Slack’s a dream platform for every start upper, investor, or VC. So what’s the secret success behind Slack which also makes your company winning?

Slack founder Steward Butterfield, who also owns Flikr, emphasizes: Slack is primarily focussed on training, feedback, and analysis of customer happiness which drives their success.

“Because if you don’t follow Slack all the time, you do not and cannot take part in the conversation with your team members anymore.” And this is a true reason why it’s also a success for your own company.

Simply, all our internal communication nowadays goes via instant messengers, chats and stuff like that (Yammer, Campfire, Hipchat and Skype, etc) and is much relied upon historical messages. It’s not convenient to transfer files, though, and the notifications are getting on your nerves…

Slack deprives you from social isolation, it is a highly addictive single information source and an amazing tool for fast cooperation allowing time saving and successful slack project management, an affordable & user-friendly sharing platform and much more. It’s a corporate culture forming mechanism with no working alternatives. It’s unprecedentedly genius. And genius is simplicity.

Building a Great Communications Culture

No wonder that both business tycoons like Microsoft, and small enterprises or even one-person companies face the necessity of building effective communication via the available channels and, thus, increase corporate communication culture within their companies, no matter if there are 500 or 5 coworkers. A lot of businesses have already admitted easiness and effectiveness of using Slack for corporate communication alongside Skype and other useful messengers.

A survey that has shown Slack is used by many great and well known companies, including: SurveyMonkey, LinkedIn, Ebay, Samsung, Pinterest, Airbnb, Harvard University and other. Among them, there are also international telecommunication companies like BSG with headquarters in Eastern Europe! Which definitely shows there are no limits for Slack as an accidentally fast growing SaaS startup.

The guys admit: «We are young, active and ambitious. We speak the same language and sometimes understand each other even without words. We are venturous at work, at table tennis or playing XBOX. We are the BSG dream-team. And Slack is definitely a part of it!»

Nowadays, if you ask anyone what’s the best tool for corporate communication, or what’s a great means for building a great corporate communication for internal team, the answer will be the same — it’s Slack.

Availability of Slack to so many companies around the globe additionally emphasizes its importance and successful functioning on the market not just as a former startup for a current startups, but even more — for globalization and growing communication cultures within variety of even bigger companies by means of simple signing up and making the business winning for workers, partners and everyone around after all. Genius as it is.

