Agareum AMA - How to submit your question?

Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

In this article I’ll explain our new feature — AMA sessions with project teams, this time with Agareum team 🔵.

Check links below to learn more about project, if you didn’t do that before 👇

Website | Game | Whitepaper | Telegram | Medium

What the AMA means?

AMA — ask me anything, during this contest you will be able to ask any question from the CEO of our project-partner Agareum Lance Connoly. We managed a bounty campaign for them recently and a lot of you participated, so you should have some questions to the team, I suppose 😉

Where and how you can submit your question?

AMA session will happens in @bubbalexmedia_chat, because the main goal is to increase community involvement and give you an unique opportunity as a member of

From February 15th and until February 16th you will be able to submit your question in @bubbalexmedia_chat using hashtag #agareum_ama. Each question should be submitted separately.

Who will answer your questions?

Unfortunately Lance and Agareum team is quite busy under development of new game modes, withdrawals, future listing, third part gamedrops and more.

I”ll be in the chat to answer most popular and obvious questions, other questions will be collected and forwarded to the Lance. When he will answer them I’ll publish a Q&A article in our Medium blog, as an AMA results. I’ll share this article in our Telegram channel as well.

What about rewards?

To increase your involvement and interest Agareum team allocated for the contest 9000 tokens, to reward top 3 participants for good questions/big activity. After AMA me (bubbalex) and Lance will check each question and choose 3 participants who deserve the reward. 5000 AGR for the 1 place, 3000 AGR for the 2 place and 1000 AGR for the 3 place.

To be rewarded you must submit really good questions, we will not reward for simple questions or for copying other’s questions to make your activity bigger. You should submit interesting & unique questions for the reward, the more = the better.

Follow us in social networks and support this article by claps if you want to see more news and reviews, as well as various contests and events! With respect, the bubbalexmedia team 😊

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Graphic designer, blockchain enthusiast and Cartesi Ambassador