How to Travel Without Leaving Home

Stay-at-home travel ideas for the wanderluster

Kristi Jacobsen
Bucket List Nomad


Be honest — are you itching to book a flight halfway around the world just to get out of the house?

We all hit the big red pause button on international and even domestic travel when the pandemic hit in March. With travel restrictions, health advisories, and our communities’ wellness in mind, we canceled trips and sat on our couches waiting for the “all clear” from government officials.

Except, nearly a year later, and we’re still waiting.

And if you’re itching to get on a plane and find yourself in a new destination, then know you’re not alone. I had a taste of international travel in mid-2019 and planned to travel more in 2020. After I quit my job to fulfill my digital nomad dream, I outlined the best digital nomad locations and researched remote coworking groups to find my place in the world. But like you, I find myself in limbo and discouraged over the lack of progress in containing the virus.

So, what can we do to satiate our wanderlust until the world is a safer place? Here are eight ideas to travel the world from the comfort of your own home:

1. Take a Journey with a Book Subscription Box



Kristi Jacobsen
Bucket List Nomad

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.