Day Nine of Tarot Writing Prompts: Strength

Using tarot to spark writing inspiration.

Grace Moore
Build a Better Writer


The Strength card. Photo credit: Author

Welcome to day nine of my tarot writing prompt project! If you aren’t familiar with this post series, click here to see day one and read the introduction. Today’s card is Strength.

What this card means

The Strength card refers to control, inner strength, patience, and belief in yourself. This card is less about outer showings of strength and more about finding strength within yourself. It has to do with having confidence that you will be able to overcome challenges, particularly internal ones, such as lack of confidence and self-doubt.

I have also read that this card can be interpreted as remaining strong, as in continuing on when you are facing challenges, even if you have been strong for a long time and it feels like you can’t be strong any longer. This card tells you that you can.

Your prompt

Challenge your character. What is the worst thing that they could go through? What is something that they have been avoiding? Make things worse before they get better.

If you want to start a new story, consider brainstorming a list of challenges that you think would be interesting to write about. Some ideas that come to mind for me are…



Grace Moore
Build a Better Writer

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: