Day Nineteen of Tarot Writing Prompts: The Moon

Using tarot to spark writing inspiration.

Grace Moore
Build a Better Writer


The Moon. Photo credit: Author

Welcome to day nineteen of my tarot writing prompt project! If you aren’t familiar with this post series, click here to see day one and read the introduction. Today’s card is The Moon.

What this card means

The Moon represents fear, uncertainty, illusions, and intuition. When it is pulled in a reading, it can be read as an indication to listen to your intuition, because something isn’t quite right. This card also has to do with illusions or feeling uncertain about something. Maybe you are in a situation where you don’t have all the information you need to make a decision, or maybe someone in your life is pretending to be something that they’re not. It is also sometimes read as a sign that you have some emotions or anxieties that you haven’t properly attended to, and that these things now need your attention.

Your prompt

Write your character into a situation where all of the facts are pointing them in one direction, but their intuition is leading them in another. What do they do? Follow what logic says is correct, or throw that out the window and rely on their intuition instead?



Grace Moore
Build a Better Writer

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: