Here’s a neat little trick due to David Heller at Alooma — perform any migration in redshift (or other columnar store) without any need for downtime, table locking…
I’m not sure this is right. Random access busts caches (slowing reads), and more generally linear access is more capable of being optimized by preloading. This effect is even greater when data are spread across different network nodes (because network IO is relatively slow and relatively easy to saturate).
I’ve used semi-structured interviews for both academic and user research (and you can have a semi-structured questionnaire too). I’ve been reading more into the subject recently, so here are some links of interest. Lawyers will likely find a lot of this familiar.
You want to run an AWS lambda without having it killed for exceeding memory…
This past friday I was teaching a workshop at Coalition for Queens to prepare alumni from their code school for interviews as software developers. One asked about resources for learning how to choose data structures in practice, because she…
Prompted by:
Eric Brewer on CAP and its implications. Note the part on protocols vs APIs.