3 Tips I use to fight Procrastination

Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2016

Procrastination is a problem almost everyone suffers from. There is just somethingt keeping us from doing what we know we should be doing.

In German there even is a word for what is keeping you back: The “Schweinehund”, literally “pig-dog”.

In this post, I want to talk about 3 methods and tips that have helped me immensely in getting more things done.

Related Post: 3 Morning Habits for more Productivity

1. Kill all Distractions

The harder you make it for yourself to be distracted, the more likely you will actually start working. Optimally you would leave yourself no other option but to work. This is usually not possible, but here are a few ways to get you pretty close:

Block distracting websites

If you find yourself browsing Facebook, Youtube, Reddit or any other website instead of working, try these apps. They all restrict your access to certain websites. This forces you to stay focused on your work.

Clean your desk

Try keeping your desk clean and distraction free. Kill any visual distractions as well as things you might start playing with unconsciously.

Clean your room

Many people start cleaning their room as a way to procrastinate. By cleaning your room beforehand you destroy this source of procrasination.

It has also been shown it is harder to study and work in a messy environment.

Have a secluded working area

Arranging a dedicated working area gets rid of a lot of distractions at once. It puts you in a working mode mentally. It also makes it easier to keep this area free of distractions. Only put the very necessary in this room.

You might even want to consider to keep it clean of your phone and even not put an internet connection.

Keep it quiet

Keep your working space as quiet as possible. You might want to use noise-cancelling headphones if you are heavily distracted by the surrounding noise. Science also suggests that a small amount of noise is needed for maximum productivity and concentration.

For this you can either use music at a low volume. Or you can use an online app that creates noises such as wind and rain, or even creates a certain ambience, such as being in a coffee shop.

  1. Noisli (Natual Sounds)
  2. Coffitivity (Ambiences, such as “University Undertones”)
  3. A Soft Murmur (Natural Sounds)

2. Get into Working Mode

If you are like me, you will often find your brain stuck in “lazy-mode”, where you just keep doing nothing and being unproductive. The following methods work well for snapping you out of this mindset and putting your brain into “work-mode”. This works even better if you develop sort of a ritual with the same methods.

Your brain will be programmed in a way that recognizes your ritual and lets it know you want to start working.

Use Music to your Advantage

Again, Music is great for this. You can create your own playlist or search for them online or on Spotify. You might want to consider choosing motivational and uplifting music for getting into it. Later you can switch to smoother tunes that help you concentrate.

Put on your Work Clothes

This is one I personally do not always follow but can definitely work.

Especially if you work from home, try putting on your regualar work clothes or something close to it on when you start working. This also lets your brain know you want to get stuff done.

Have a secluded Working Area

As mentioned above, having a secluded working area is great for more productivity. Your brain recognizes your surroundings and acts accordingly.

Changing your physical state also means chaning your mental state and mindset. Use it to your advantage.

Schedule and dedicated Working Time

Work out a schedule and stick to it. Dedicate a part of your time to work. This prevents procrastination and constantly putting off working for later. Do not just start working when you feel like it, this is setting yourself up for laziness.

3. Learn your Patterns

In order to get the most work done with most concentration possible, it is necessary you know your own patterns.

Know when you have the most energy, when your brain is most ready to work and produce. There are three main components to your work patterns. To figure out yours, ask yourself these questions:

Are you a morning or a night person?

Figure out when you can work best. Try working both really early and late in the night. Focus on when you can concentrate best, when you feel most like working and when you brain is most creative.

Once you know this, you can work out a schedule to maximize your productivity.

When do you need breaks?

Find out how often you need breaks, as well as how long. A good starting point is using popular intervals such as the Pomodoro Technique.

Another great method is “Don’t Break the Chain”, which is not based on breaks, but rather on not taking any. It’s very interesting, check it out.

Taking enough breaks keeps you fresh and focused. This way you will produce the best possible results.

What are your Productivity Killers?

Most people have their personal sins, their own ways to procrastinate. Knowing what typically distracts you and keeps you from working is a necessary first step. You can then work out ways to avoid them and trick your mind into productivity.

Maybe you keeps browsing the internet instead of studying? Use one of the website blockers mentioned above. Are you constantly on your phone? Leave it outside of the rooms you work in, turn it off.

Make it as hard as possible for your mind to switch to the distractions.

These are my tips for stopping procrastination and getting more work done. Thank you for reading!

Do you have any more tips to stop distractions? Please tell me below!

Originally published at mentalupbeat.com

