A Picture Overview of Medium’s Top Stories in 2016. Here’s what we loved…

Linda Caroll
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2017

Wonder what’s most popular here at Medium? Here it is, in pictures.

Levent Aşkan posted a list of top Medium stories from 2016. All the stories on the list have 2500+ ❤s. The initial list had 253 posts, but when I removed the repeats, the list was a perfect 250 stories. Here’s the overview…

1. So, what’s popular here?

I took all the tags from 250 top posts, and put them in a tag cloud. Tada!

Levent had divided the stories into popular categories — here’s a pie chart...

Side note: That’s not to say other categories aren’t popular. They are. These are just the categories the top stories (IE with 2500+ ❤s) were tagged with…

2. Reading Time…

I’d heard that 7 minutes is the most popular read-time — but we all know how averages work, right? Here’s the read-time of the 250 top stories. Surprised?

3. Authors of the top stories…

100 of the top stories were written by 23 people with multiple top stories each.


150 of the top stories are by 150 different people who hit it out of the park with one story! Which means it’s totally possible for anyone. Like, you or me. :)


If you see any of these authors float across your feed, give them a thumbs up. What they’re doing is a LOT OF HARD WORK.

And if you ARE one of those people, thank you — very much. You inspire the ever-loving heck out of me. Like the Roger Bannister story, you show me (and all of us) what is truly possible here… and for that, thank you!

4. Incidentally, know what 2500 hearts looks like?

Each one of these little green hearts is a reader, clicking that heart.

And based on how the stats seem to work here, the number of views and readers would be more. A LOT more.
(Also? 2500 is the min. to get on the list. The ones at the top? Man, crazy!)

2500 hearts. Which likely means over 10K reads and 20K views. At least…

5. Drum Roll… the top story of 2016

I did not know it was even possible to get 16K ❤s. Apparently it is.

#1 by Tobias Stone — with 16.2K ❤s.

You can read or download the full list here — and thanks again to Levent for taking the time to create this list for the second year in a row.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, I’d sure appreciate a ❤ or follow..

