All the Advices Are Wrong. Except this one.

Linda Caroll
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016
Be Yourself. Do your own thing.

Art was a fireman. Man, he loved water skiing. Got hit by a wave one day and went under. His wife laughed. Until he didn’t get up. She towed his body back, sobbing. Massive heart attack. Gone.

My auntie was so excited about her pregnancy. One day, she rushed to the hospital in tears. Cramps. Praying not to lose a baby like her Mama had. They both died. Ectopic pregnancy. She was only 20.

We don’t know how much time we have.
I believe the meaning of life is hidden in that, somewhere.

I don’t believe we are here to suffer. I believe we are here to add something to the world, some little bit of us, in whatever way we can.

I don’t think most of the “life hacks” littering the Internet help you do that. Often, they just prey on your own securities.

“See, it IS something you’re doing wrong…”
whispers the small voice in your mind.

Tips on how to make something? Do something? Fix a sink or bake from scratch? Sure. Take advice. Preferably from someone that’s done it.

But how to live your life? How to be a “success” — whatever that means?
You know what that is? Clickbait for people who are struggling. I call bull.

For every “successful” person who wakes up at 5 am, I can show you another that sleeps until noon.

Margaret Mead got up at 5 AM. Hemingway, 6AM. Bradbury, 9AM.
Charles Bukowski was a sleepy head that stayed in bed until noon.

Just because a habit worked for someone else, doesn’t mean you’re “doing life wrong” if you don’t do it the same way.

There’s only one rule. It’s This…

Live on your terms. No matter what anyone thinks. And don’t ever, EVER, let anyone else tell you what you can or can’t do, or how to live your life.

And if you “can’t” live on your terms because you’re working a crap job to pay the bills — then find a way to squeeze a little of what you love into your life.

Inspiration is a whole different animal…

I enjoy inspiration. It uplifts instead of pointing out what I’m doing “wrong.” We all have days we could use a smile. Here’s a few I enjoy.

Yay. Another photo of Will Smith.

If you have favorite inspirations, would you share?

(And if you enjoyed this post, please click the heart? Thanks!)

