Spiritual Diversity within a Tribe

An impossibility or a force for good?

ZD Finn


Image by Doreen Sawitza from Pixabay

A lovely warm message of welcome from Emy to the Be Unlimited Hub Tribe, an honour, a privilege, which then got me thinking.

What would it feel like to feel part of a ‘tribe’, a community with a ‘common culture and dialect,’ as the dictionary definition goes?

Is that even possible when every spiritual journey is unique and every soul has a specific purpose?

I consider my track record of some forty years, an essentially restless journey of discovery, searching for something that I know in the cells of my body, but can neither define, nor confine. That shifts and changes, challenges and calms in equal measure. That grows steadily within my earthly frame, changing my personality, and widening my perspective over and again.

A knowing that is essentially patient and loving, even when I turn away. Particularly during the times when I have turned away and acted out in anger and despair. Trust me, coming to accept that I was still loveable and Loved after behaving so badly has been my toughest lesson so far and Spirit’s greatest gift. But, Spirit does not withhold forgiveness, only mankind can do that. So first I had to accept my humanity and forgive myself and then others. Love — Spiritual Love — never withdrew, even though I believed It had, it was I that withdrew in shame and anger.

When, I ask myself, did this rebellious, independent, feral, teenager become someone so committed to daily discipline? Someone who remains silent rather than shouting the odds, and savours the unknown above fantastical stories that seek to explain the unexplainable. How did this silent force patiently court me through disbelief and resistance towards a love and passion for healing and crystals, and open me up to an impeccable source of knowledge?

So, if my journey has been so mercurial, surprising, seemingly serendipitous, how would that fit in with others? Where could there be common ground? Surely all our paths, although back to the same Source, are unique? Yes, embossed with past life histories, karma and purpose, but with sacrosanct freewill to choose our own way through life and towards, or away, from our purpose.

There is more that unites us than divides us

We are interconnected. We are all fragments of one Soul and like every fragment of crystal, however far we travel we remain eternally connected to that from which we came and gave us life.

Humanity are all working, as I understand it, towards a common purpose of coming to know and share Love. So, perhaps developing a ‘common dialect’, is indeed a good starting point, even though every word invites numerous interpretations and associations in a plethora of languages. I created my own Lexicon to try to clarify my use of language, but even that was like capturing raindrops in a glass and pretending that they describe the rainfall. The truth is that Spirit is indescribable and if we want to transcend our egos, we have to put down our glass and enter the rainstorm.

But, even then, soaking wet and still dripping as the sun comes out, our egos are our only mechanism through which we can capture and share our experience. We only have our individual glasses to hold up in the sunlight as we try to describe the rainbows that sparkle in our few, captive, raindrops. In truth, I would not want it any other way, after all, rain has its limitations and the sunshine holds promises too.

Image by Michael from Pixabay

Where is all this leading?

To the impossibility of being part of a tribe? Not at all, it’s about welcoming the prospect and sensing the promise within the development of a language of sharing. If enough people describe their glassful of raindrops, we will begin to get a bigger picture and build a collective appreciation of its benefits and potential.

I never know where my articles are heading when I start. It is not until the words fall onto the page and get rearranged by the flow of inspiration or imagination, that any sense starts to emerge. The sense that has emerged for me in this article is that the power of joining a tribe is in its ability to reach the collective, rather than just benefitting the individuals.

Image by PayPal.me/FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

The promise of the Golden Age

A soul tribe awakens us to the promise within collective awe, a shift in our consciousness towards the sacred and away from the prosaic, and an opportunity to define what that means in this day and Age. After all, we are just twenty-four years into the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, where the Light of soul within each of us is striving to merge with the greater Light around us. Where the continued development of mankind depends on the healing of the planet itself, and the restoration of balance and equality, not just for some, but for all.

A tribe, that embraces spiritual diversity, can provide a foundation for growth that has the potential to reduce fear, create a longer perspective and a shared vocabulary to help people understand their fears, doubts, and progress. No one has the whole picture, but everyone has a unique take on their glass of raindrops.

I have long dreamed of a time when the world pauses in unison, a single tribe of humanity, taking a collective in-breath, sounding an Aum, or sacred sound, and uniting in peace. A time when everyone adds their Light, love and intention towards peace and healing for all living things. What would it take? A few minutes of gratitude, of acknowledging that we are all part of something greater, and that that something greater is Love, the force of Creation.

Change will come, it has to, as the vibrations of the planet quicken and new souls come to Earth equipped with this inner knowledge and a burning imperative to enact what is needed. We are all subject to the vast spirals of Creation, no living being is exempt, and just as Love waited patiently for me, so It will wait for humanity to turn towards It once more and know it in their hearts. The Christos Light, freed from inside each one of us, bringing us what we need to fulfil our purpose, which is the purpose of humanity.

Thank you for your invitation, your initiative, and your welcome.

© ZD Finn 2024

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.

More information can be found on zdfinn.com and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in my Lexicon.



ZD Finn
Writer for

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor zdfinn.com