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Business Change and Business Process
Business Change and Business Process
Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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Nate Silver Statistics and Android Journalism

Is Nate Silver an Android?

I’d actually enjoy knowing if the most famous statistician in the world uses an iPhone or an Android device (gotta believe it’s Android). Today being Election Day in the USA, I’m at a cross-roads…

Nexus 7: Just Try And Sue Google Now, Apple

Yesterday, my Nexus 7 arrived and I spent a bunch of time digging into it. I’ll have the results for you next week.

Something (almost) even cooler than my new Nexus 7 arrived at Answer Guy Central yesterday. Remember that UK…

HTC Sense Android Screen Grab Gets More Evil

When I talk evil business practice, it’s generally Apple or Google that’s in my cross-hairs. Apple does so many things disguised as features but really designed to dominate markets at its users’ expense that the “Apple is Evil” conversation can go on…

TouchPad Proved iPad a Toy. Now Android Proves it for iPhone

When they killed the TouchPad, Hewlett Packard proved Apple’s iPad to be just a toy. Now a new study suggests that the iPhone is very much the same thing. In the world of SmartPhones, Android devices are tools, while iPhones…