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Artificial Intelligence

Business Change and Business Process
Business Change and Business Process
Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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Statistics, Search, Naked Women, and Artificial Intelligence

Statistics Lie. That’s not news. But the way you interpret statistics, subjective as that is by nature, still brings useful insight to your day and the way you approach business change.

“What People Do Is The New SEO”

I mentioned the changing face of search and search engine optimization earlier this week. Google is changing the rules for search engine optimization in ways that those of us who practice it need to be afraid of and those of you who we do search on behalf of might need to…

Be Afraid: Google’s Rules for Search Are About To Change

Time to dredge up that old “Is Google a Monopoly?” issue again.

I don’t like this topic, because as a free-enterprise guy and a keen observer of Google and how they do business I’m mostly inclined to scoff…