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Business Change and Business Process
Business Change and Business Process
Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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Now The New York Times Is Just Another Bad Blogging Outlet

Yesterday at Gadgetwise I came a cross this piece on the “facial unlock” feature in Android phones. Gadgetwise is a blog published by The New York Times, hosted under the auspices of the New York Times web site, and I’m guessing…

In Praise of Chris Brogan and Video Production Values

I’ve mentioned Chris Brogan here quite a few times. Sometimes, I praise him. More often, I call Mr. Brogan out for being disingenuous, or inauthentic. Once, I suggested Chris wasn’t very smart, which he didn’t care for (although I think…

What Are You Adding? (Journalism, Blogging, Cheating)

I’ve written about the changing face of journalism several times here. Mostly, my opinions fall on the side that being paid or working for large, established/known magazines or newspapers isn’t the delimiting factor in a discussion about…