A couple of years ago I found myself in a back-and-forth through LinkedIn with Brian Clark…
Have you ever been involved in a conversation and suddenly realized that it wasn’t a conversation at all? You…
Who do you trust? Have you given any thought to why? I’ll bet it has something to do with engagement. Now, think about this:
He’s not usually thought of the way Seth Godin is, but Mark Schaefer is one of the best…
I’ve been out of town, and so while Bob has been working, and our long-tail marketing efforts…
This morning I found myself reading a post about Search Engine Optimization at Reuters. You know a topic has hit the mainstream when a news service like Reuters picks it up; I suppose the JC Penney SEO debacle mattered even…
This morning I got to work, and found a comment in my in-box. One of our subscribers to this blog had taken exception to something that happens here at Answer Guy Central.