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Business Change and Business Process
Business Change and Business Process
Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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Rabbit Troupes, Kickstarts, Social Media, Business Change

So I’m reading my Twitter feed over the weekend, and I come across this post by one of my sons:

Rabbit Troupe’s kickstarter was officially funded as of . . . 43 minutes ago.

Thou Shalt Not Censor (The First Law of Coopetition)

A couple of years ago, I commented on Amazon imposing a form of censorship upon Kindle users. That post did its job; aside from entertaining and informing, it boosted our search engine optimization for the long-tail marketing phrase…

Sending Out Props: A Great SEO Lesson

I haven’t written anything about Search Engine Optimization in a whole week. No, I haven’t lost interest. No, I’m not ready to stop hitting you over the head with how important SEO (or SEO Consulting if you don’t have the time to handle SEO yourself) is to your…