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Business Change and Business Process
Business Change and Business Process
Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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Got Something to Say About Your Employer? Stay Off Facebook!

I tell my (adult) kids: stop talking on Facebook and Twitter about how drunk they are. I tell you that, too. And it’s a good idea; nobody needs to be hanging their dirty laundry in public. Of course, if you think that laundry…

Data, Privacy, The Law, And A Mess You Can’t Clean Up

I’m all for privacy.

To be honest, privacy is a relatively new phenomenon sociologically and absent issues like identity theft and stealing from other simply by having their private data and knowing how to…

More Proof: Apple (iPad), WSJ, & The New York Times Hate You

I’ve picked on the iPad a few times. From the moment it was announced, the iPad looked to me like a brain-dead solution in search of a problem, and when Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal announced its pricing for reading…

The NFL Bans Tweeting. I’ve Decided I Love Twitter.

Who says Twitter does nothing important?

For the record (again), I think Twitter is one of the silliest things, ever. It adds very little to anyone’s life, almost anywhere, and is really only useful as a marketing…