This interview was done for our Microservices for Startups ebook. Be sure to check it out for practical advice on microservices. Thanks to Darby for his time and input!
My good friend Darby Frey recently kicked off a greenfield project after assuming his new role as Sr. Platform Engineering Lead of Gamut. Despite starting out with monolith at his previous company Belly, he…
When I first mentioned the concept of microservices to my engineering team, I was surprised by how quickly everyone researched the idea and then jumped to the conclusion that our monolith should be…
There are two facts of life: you breathe air, and errors will occur in your programs. Web clients over the HTTP protocol are prone to a wide range of mishaps. For programmers, anything that waits for a response over a network is…
A great CTO can be a critical driver behind a technology company’s success — whereas a bad CTO can lead to stalled projects, high turnover, and poor quality software..
But what traits actually make up a great CTO? Generic characteristics like a strong work…
As a CTO it’s important to continuously be increasing your knowledge and network. One great way to do that is to attend technology conferences in your space.
As a CTO in a rapidly evolving industry, the knowledge you had when you first entered the industry is no longer sufficient. In fact, the knowledge you had this time last year is already outdated.
Many developers aspire to be in a CTO-role someday, but what does it actually take to be a CTO? It of course depends on the size and stage of a company and other factors like how the technology team is structured. In this…
How many meetings have you had about deadlines where at least one engineer scoffed at the concept?
Deadlines for software are difficult. But as a CTO, you’ll likely face a situation where you must answer the terrifying question…
Imagine a situation you as a developer may face numerous times in your career. A client, friend, boss or who ever comes to you asking for add a blog to their existing website. They have a few requirements: