Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) is the global union for workers in the construction, wood and forestry, building materials and allied sectors. The BWI-MLC is made up of 9 Malaysian BWI trade union affiliates.
Note from the editor

Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) is the global union for workers in the construction, wood and forestry, building materials and allied sectors. The BWI-MLC is made up of 9 Malaysian BWI trade union affiliates.Cement Industry Employees Union (CIEU)  Malayan Technical Services Union (MTSU)  Malay Forest Officers Union (MFOU)  PKNS Employees Union (PKNS)  Sabah Timber Industry Employees Union (STIEU)  Timber Employees Union of Peninsula Malaysia (TEUPM)  Timber Industry Employees Union of Sarawak (TIEUS)  Union of Employees in the Construction Industry (UECI)  Union of Forestry Employees of Sarawak (UFES)

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