Go to Byspells of Worldken
Byspells of Worldken
Science articles for normal people. Not too technical, and not dumbed down to the point of magic. Science for the 7 billion people who are neither experts nor idiots.
Note from the editor

Science articles for normal people. Not too technical, and not dumbed down to the point of magic. Science for the 7 billion people who are neither experts nor idiots.

Go to the profile of James Wootton
James Wootton
Bloke who thinks about things. Sometimes they are things he's supposed to think about. Any opinions expressed here are a mistake. See @decodoku for better stuff
Go to the profile of Dr James Wootton
Dr James Wootton
Helping to make quantum computers IBM Research . Occasionally misusing them for fun and/or science. Two Ts and no Es. All nonsense here is my own doing
Go to the profile of Deepti Pradhan
Deepti Pradhan
Employed at Yale University, Deepti is primarily a scientist & patient advocate. She runs Tilde Cafe, a forum to make science accessible (www.tildecafe.org)
Go to the profile of Martina Ribar Hestericová
Martina Ribar Hestericová
Science is awesome! A bioorganic chemist / science journalist passionate about science communication.
Go to the profile of Jess Sia
Go to the profile of Brook Monroe