Status update Jan 24, 2022

beezee Community
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2022

What kept us busy

Since our last post — the one describing the support Vidulum team offers to us on the new blockchain— we had to focus on multiple topics. We promised to keep you posted with every step we make, and that’s what we’re doing.

Since we’re in the middle of a major upgrade that will enhance our network’s speed, scalability and usage we have to take care of all third parties that support us at this moment.


FLUX team are and always have been amazing. They offered us the support we needed to have BZE on their Desktop/Mobile wallet since a while ago and they will keep supporting us. We have reached an agreement with them to have our new blockchain supported as well.


As you may know BZE is traded on and We initiated a channel to discuss with them about our upgrade.

Crex24 stated clearly that they can NOT support Cosmos SDK based coins. They asked us to provide a wrapped version of BZE on either ETH or BSC blockchains. This is the only way they will keep supporting us. Since we already have a plan to have wrapped BZE on multiple chains including BSC we will try to provide them what they ask for. So we might see BZE wrapped on BSC before the time we planned it in our roadmap. discussions continue and we will announce the outcome as soon as we have a decision.

Swapping to new blockchain

We want to repeat this information as we had a lot of questions on this topic: The swap process will be handled exclusively by BZE Alpha Team. At the time of this writing there are NO OTHER wallets or exchanges that will do the swap automatically for you. This means that you will have to manually send your coins to a designated address and our systems will burn the coins on the old chain and send you new ones on the new chain.

Now let’s get back to the Swap Processor. We have designed a system that will help you swap the coins. This system will be available in the browser as a web page. It will require you to insert your new blockchain address and it will assign you a swap address (old blockchain address). Using this address you will have to manually send your coins from your wallet to this address. Once the transactions has enough confirmations you will receive the new coins on your new blockchain address — the address you provided.

Sneak peak: Creating a swap address

The swap period will be at least 60 days long, we don’t plan to leave anyone behind, but it is your duty to keep an eye on our social media accounts and take action when the swap starts. We can NOT move your coins to the new blockchain without your help.

A comprehensive step-by-step guide will be provided when the swap starts. The only thing you can do right now is to move your coins in large transactions to a wallet you control in order to have easy access to them when needed.

We can proudly say that the system is 90% done. All we have to do in the following weeks is to test it on the public testnet and fix issues if needed.

Sneak peak: Viewing your swap address

Website upgrades

Since last months have been crazy and a lot of stuff going on our website was a bit out-of-date. Informations were not accurate and it was still using the old name and logo: “BZEdge”.

You can read the informations on and the most important part that we recommend is the roadmap.

Q1 of 2022

We will do our best to keep you up-to-date with the development progress on each goal we have on the roadmap. And since we’re talking about it you might notice v5.1 is already a goal. We’ll talk about that too.

Goals on the roadmap

We love decentralization and we encourage everyone to taste it, learn about it and understand the amazing advantages it brings.The goals we have proposed on our roadmap are bold and we have to carefully design and plan every step we make.

When the new blockchain is started, or shortly after, BZE network will enable features that can be used by multiple DApps we or YOU create. Those features are the backbone of the decentralized applications we encourage people to develop.

This is a huge milestone for us because we plan on using this features for our own DApps. One of the features that will be build on top of the blockchain are the cross-chain swaps: you will be able to port your BZE coins from our native chain to wrapped tokens on other networks like ETH, MATIC, BSC, TRX, SOL and the list continues.

What’s next

This week BZE v5 public testnet will be released into the wild. We invite you to play with it. We’re doing that for sure! This is the most important step for our progress. The testnet will be used by third parties to integrate the new blockchain, but everyone can play with it and test it.

Shortly after the public testnet is started we’re going to test the Swap Processor and continue discussions with the exchanges.

Once we have the discussions settled we can go back to what we’ve been doing since December: planning the development for: wrapped BZE, native chain — ERC20 chains bridge, DApps backbone and smart contracts. We are drawing the workflow of these implementations and planning the effort required for each of them.

Hope we covered all things done and things to be done.

Feel free to engage in a discussion with us on any of our communication channels: Twitter, BitcoinTalk, Medium Publication, Reddit, Discord or Telegram.



beezee Community

Cutting Edge Cryptocurrency. Ultra fast, secure and low cost blockchain