Making a RTS game #42: Designing our main menu 1/2 (Unity/C#)

Let’s keep working on our RTS and add a main menu scene!

Mina Pêcheux
.Net Programming
Published in
10 min readDec 23, 2021


⬅️ Tutorial #41: Preparing for a main menu… | TOC | Tutorial #43: Designing our main menu 2/2 ➡️

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Last week, we worked on the organisation of our project and we worked on our Unity scenes to prepare everything for a main menu, based on a multi-scene workflow.

Today, let’s start designing this main menu! We won’t wrap everything up in just 10 minutes, so we’ll do this in two parts. And to begin with, let’s create some UI to dynamically list the available maps and show up some details. Then, after the Christmas break, we’ll finish this by connecting the menu and the game scene and propagating all the necessary data!

Making a simple menu scene

The main menu will live in its own scene: the “MainMenu” Unity scene. This scene will mostly contain UI elements, but I’m also a real fan of the original Warcraft 3 menu (no, I won’t talk about the “reforged” edition… that rant would be too long!), so I’ll take this opportunity to have some 3D elements on the side too, as decor ;)



Mina Pêcheux
.Net Programming

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)