product framing

JP Petrucione
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2020

How we approach our work

Photo of a sticky note that reads “Product Framing”

Product framing helps our team think about and focus on the problem we’re here to solve.

While product framing documents are not typical in an Alpha, we created it to encourage our team to think in new terms, ask questions and learn as we go. It provides a rubric against which we can measure our progress and our learnings. And it informs and guides us at every level of our work as we research, prioritize, test, design, code, iterate, iterate, and iterate again.

Problem statement

The people of California need information and services offered by the State of California. Currently, California state government digital information and services are disparate, spread across multiple domains and websites. Each state organization manages its content and experience differently, causing a lack of cohesiveness, findability, accessibility, security, and performance across all California government websites. This lack of organization leads to a lack of trust and low satisfaction from the people we intend to serve.

Product vision will show the people of California that their government is unwaveringly committed to meeting the needs of the people of California. The experience will be simpler, clearer, faster, and more accessible for all Californians searching for state government information and services. They will recognize as the official California state government website. It will give them the comprehensive state government information and services that they seek. The public will be able to find their services without knowing the names or acronyms of the related State organizations.

What we want to learn

  • How can user research and content design help meet user needs
  • What it takes for government to work in the open
  • How to best set up a highly effective digital services team

What we’re not trying to do

  • Redesign all of the State of California’s digital government services
  • Set the State of California’s technology strategy
  • Maintain traditional practices in digital or technology strategy and execution

Product assumptions and dependencies

  • That people go first to their government official website to find what they’re looking for.
  • That we understand what matters most to people
  • That the way users currently find government services online is their preferred method
  • That users don’t care about an agency-focused approach

Prioritization criteria for user needs

The Alpha will be based on initial user needs that are selected with data, intuition, and experimentation. The following criteria will be used to assess the overall impact of the user story.

External Criteria

  • Total reach (population)
  • Biggest area for improvement
  • Level of complexity
  • Level of urgency
  • Who (individuals or business)
  • Vulnerable populations
  • Topical for Californians
  • Sensitive
  • Positive, “wow-factor,” innovative
  • Common or specific need
  • Ability to capture data analytics
  • Public facing issue

Internal Criteria

  • Existing effort already in place
  • Stakeholder priority
  • Measurable impact
  • Open/helpful departments
  • Discrete part of information or service
  • Long term, push to Beta


